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I knew that we were running short on certain equipment." "What kind of things?" demanded the professor. "Well, the timers on the oscillators," Troy replied. "I knew we would need them for the new units you and Commander Walters were planning." "Guard!" shouted Barret suddenly. "Guard!" He turned and called to Roger and Astro, who were standing guard at the doors.

"How about it, Professor?" he asked. "Do we haul this guy in?" Hemmingwell looked at Troy steadily. "Pat, you knew about that new unit I was building?" "Yes, sir," replied Troy forthrightly. "I accidentally overheard you and Commander Walters discussing it. From what you said about it, I knew you would need new timers for the oscillators "

Mary had always liked to watch the oscillators and as she stood there, her guests temporarily forgotten, her eyes filled with the almost human movements of the whirling machines, her ears with the triumphant music of the abrasive wheels biting into the metal, that same unconscious air of pride fell upon her, too, and although she didn't know it, her glance deepened and her head went up quite in the old Spencer manner.

A photo copy appears below: To return to pre-World War II operating: Most operators used crystal oscillators in order to have a clean '9x' note. It was quite normal procedure to call CQ on one's crystal frequency, say 14,076 KHz and then go over and start combing the band from 14,000 for replies.