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And they lifted their heads while the other part of the Fathers pronounced the response, "Sicut erat in principio, etc." The office began. It was not chanted but declaimed, now rapid and now slow. The side of the choir which Durtal saw made all the vowels sharp and short letters; the other, on the contrary, altered them all into long letters and seemed to cap all the Os with a circumflex accent.

There was a wound consisting of a ragged rent from above the os pubis, extending obliquely to the left and upward, through which protruded the great omentum, the descending and transverse colon, most of the small intestines, as well as the pyloric extremity of the stomach. The great omentum was mangled and comminuted, and bore two lacerations of two inches each.

From the occiput to the os frontis, his head was quite level and extraordinarily long. It was possibly due to Mr.

But the greatest work of Dryden was the last, the Ode on Saint Cecilia's Day. It is the masterpiece of the second class of poetry, and ranks but just below the great models of the first. It reminds us of the Pedasus of Achilles os, kai thnetos eon, epeth ippois athanatoisi.

Nicholas recoiled aghast, for he thought it might be Hobthurst, or the demon of the wood, who thus bespoke him. "What accursed thing addresses me?" he said, standing on his guard. "What is it? Speak!" "Get hence, Nicholas Assheton," replied the voice; "an' meddle not wi' them os meddles not wi' thee."

These symptoms, together with those of congestion of the lung, continued for about a week, when he died, apparently from his pulmonary trouble. Ford quotes the case of a lad of fifteen who was shot in the head, 3/4 inch anterior to the summit of the right ear, the ball escaping through the left os frontis, 1 1/4 inch above the center of the brow.

"It must be very vexatious to see her so much noticed, and be yourself so much neglected very vexatious, indeed I quite feel for you." "By dunna want your feelin'," replied Jennet, nettled by the remark; "boh it wasna my sister os made me ill." "Who was it then, my little dear," said Potts. "Dunna 'dear' me," retorted Jennet; "yo're too ceevil by half, os the lamb said to the wolf.

He incised at the point of usual location of the os, and one of his incisions was followed by the flow of liquor amnii, and the head fell upon the artificial opening, the diameter of which proved to be one and a half or two inches; the birth then progressed promptly, the child being born alive.

"Some dozen men, armed, against a poor defenceless old woman, are surely enough." "Owd, boh neaw defenceless, Mester Ruchot," rejoined Baldwyn. "Yo canna go i' too great force on an expedition like this. Malkin Tower is a varry strong place, os yo'n find."

Now, if there be a little tumour, within or without the privities, it is nothing else but a descent of the womb, but if there be a tumour like a goose's egg and a hole at the bottom and there is at first a great pain in the parts to which the womb is fastened, as the loins, the bottom of the belly, and the os sacrum, it proceeds from the breaking or stretching of the ligaments; and a little after the pain is abated, and there is an impediment in walking, and sometimes blood comes from the breach of the vessels, and the excrements and urine are stopped, and then a fever and convulsion ensueth, oftentimes proving mortal, especially if it happen to women with child.