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Arngeir held out his hand, and on it was the ring of Orwenna the queen, which Alsi had last seen here on the high place. "There is the token, King Alsi, and it is one which you know well," he answered. "Ay, I know it," answered the king with a grin that was not pleasant.

And thereupon that old warrior who had bidden Havelok sound the horn said, "We have heard of Ethelwald the good king, and of this Alsi moreover, and we know men who have seen both, and also Orwenna, the mother of our own queen here. I followed your father across the seas in the old days, and I seem to hear his voice again as you speak to us.

It is certain that his sister Orwenna, who married Ethelwald of East Anglia, was one, but I have seen Alsi the king at the feasts of the Asir at Thor's Way when Yuletide was kept, so it is not so certain about him.

Then at length the slow time wore away until Mord came with David the priest. No priestly garb had the old man on, for that had made his danger certain; but though he was clad in a thrall's rough dress, he was not to be mistaken for aught but a most reverend man. "Peace be with you, my daughter," he said; "it is good to look on the child of Orwenna, the queen whom we loved."

Maybe the Witan thought so also, and would see fair play. Ethelwald and his wife Orwenna had been well loved both here and in Norfolk, and it was said that Goldberga their daughter grew wondrous fair and queenly.

Maybe that is why the angel told you to have no fear. I mind Gunnar Kirkeban, and what he wrought on the churches and Christian folk in Wales in Gower on the Severn Sea, and on the holy Dee when I was young." For both Goldberga and this old nurse of hers were Christian, as had been Orwenna, Ethelwald's wife, her mother.

When I was first here with Orwenna the queen, before she married Ethelwald, there were some in the marsh; for one day I heard my own tongue spoken there, hunting with my mistress; and so she stayed and talked with these poor folk, though the Welsh they spoke was bad enough. But they were Christians, as they told her in fear and trembling. They have not so much need to fear now."

"Why, then," said Berthun, "some thane must be bringing a captive shortly. But why Alsi orders these benches, it passes me to make out. They are those that have been used for the weddings of his kin since the days of Hengist. Last time was when Orwenna, his sister, wedded Ethelwald of Norfolk. Maybe he thinks that they need airing."

He had heard of him often, and would not suffer him to be hurt, for his sister Orwenna had protected him. The heathen English minded him not at all by this time, for he was the best leech in the land, and so useful to them. So Alsi said pleasantly that he was quite willing that the priest should come, deeming that he was at Cabourn, and that it would be a day or two before he would be brought.