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So we did that, riding down the old Roman way to a wide, waste forest land where none should see us turn off, and then across the forest paths to Cabourn; and there we found the hermit, and there Havelok and Goldberga were wedded again with all the rites of Holy Church, and the bride was well content.

Nor would he be slow to use it. Then the nurse said that he need have no surprise, for Goldberga was ever gentle and willing to be led, though sometimes the pride of her race came uppermost for a time. And then she asked if a certain priest of the faith might come and speak with her. Now, Alsi knew that only one could be meant namely, the hermit who bided at Cabourn.

"Christian am I, and I do not think that we are rightly wedded until the priest has done his part. And to that Havelok agrees most willingly, saying that I must ask you thereof, for he does not know where the old man is now." "Wedded in the little chapel that is in the thick of Cabourn woods shall you be, for David has gone there already.

I stayed with him last night, and he is on his way even now to Lincoln, driven by the famine. I mean the old British priest David, who has his little hut and chapel in the Cabourn woods. His people have no more to give him." I knew that Withelm thought much of this old man of late, and I was not surprised to hear him speak of him now.

He had heard of him often, and would not suffer him to be hurt, for his sister Orwenna had protected him. The heathen English minded him not at all by this time, for he was the best leech in the land, and so useful to them. So Alsi said pleasantly that he was quite willing that the priest should come, deeming that he was at Cabourn, and that it would be a day or two before he would be brought.

"Let us ride on quickly down the Ermin Street, and he will think us making for the south and Norwich. Then we will turn off to Cabourn, and he will lose us. After that he may hear that some of us belong to Grimsby, and will go there; but he will be too late to hurt us. Hard men are our fishers, and they would fight for Havelok and the sons of Grim."

"I sent a man to Grimsby yesterday," I said; "but you must have passed him on the way somewhere, for he could not have started soon enough to take you a message before you left." "I met him on the road last night, for I myself thought it time to come and see how you two fared. I bided at Cabourn for the night, and your messenger came on with me."