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They still found, however, that the lift was not as great as it should have been; while the drag remained, as in the previous glider, surprisingly small. The result of this is that the pressure actually tends to draw the machine forward into the wind hence the small amount of drag, which had puzzled Wilbur and Orville Wright.

Orville heard it also, and, raising up on his elbow, asked, "What is that?" "What the hunters call a 'porcupig," said I. "Sure?" "Entirely so." "Why does he make that noise?" "It is a way he has of cursing our fire," I replied. "I heard him last night also." "Where do you suppose he is?" inquired my companion, showing a disposition to look him up.

"Permit me," said Lord Orville, "to propose some other subject for the present, and we will discuss this matter another time." "Pray, brother, excuse me; my Lord must give me his word to drop the project,-for I declare it has made me sick as death."

Orville was staring straight ahead, so only he saw Michael's hand make a quick movement toward the controller, and another movement, at the same time, as if his foot were trying to press on the brake; but both movements seemed to fall short and Michael's head dropped on his breast. Alarmed, Orville looked up. He had a swift glimpse of a flashing red light. A chain snapped like a pistol shot.

How could he know that these very eggs were feeding the dull red menace in Terry Platt's eyes? When Orville Platt ate a soft-boiled egg he concentrated on it. He treated it as a great adventure. Which, after all, it is. Few adjuncts of our daily life contain the element of chance that is to be found in a three-minute breakfast egg.

It was truly "at the moment of success" that Langley's work was stopped. On December 17, 1903, the Wright brothers made the first successful experiment in which a machine carrying a man rose by its own power, flew naturally and at even speed, and descended without damage. These brothers, Wilbur and Orville, who at last opened the long besieged lanes of the air, were born in Dayton, Ohio.

But Lord Orville is the most delicate of men! and, presently recollecting himself, he added, "I mean not to speak with indifference of any friend of yours,-far from it; any such will always command my good wishes: yet I own I am rather disappointed; and though I doubt not the justice of your reason, to which I implicitly submit, you must not wonder, that, when upon the point of being honoured with your confidence, I should feel the greatest regret at finding it withdrawn."

Ill brooking such a situation, and unable to suport the neglect of Lord Orville, the moment breakfast was over I left the room, and was going up stairs; when, very unpleasantly, I was stopped by Sir Clement Willoughby, who, flying into the hall, prevented my proceeding. He enquired very particularly after my health, and entreated me to return into the parlour.

He noted that he was not asked to speak at the annual Chamber of Commerce dinner. When Orville Jones gave a large poker party and he was not invited, he was certain that he had been snubbed. He was afraid to go to lunch at the Athletic Club, and afraid not to go. He believed that he was spied on; that when he left the table they whispered about him.

"Then of course you couldn't judge of his knowledge of the matter," Mr. Orville said, with an air of one saying something of importance. "He had no knowledge of the matter, if you mean Mr. Crawford's death," said Lambert, looking disturbed and a little bewildered. "Tell your own story, Lambert," said Coroner Monroe, rather crisply. "We'll hear what Louis has to say later."