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'Lookin' at the lan'scape ag'in? 'Yes; I've jes' begun t' see what a putty country this is, said Uncle Eb. 'How's the boss? 'Splendid! Gives ye time t' think an' see what yer passin'. Like t' set 'n think once in a while. We don't do enough thinkin' here in this part o' the country. 'Yd orter buy this mare an learn how t' ride fast, said Dean.

I just hate that man! I believe you do, too, Miss Hazy." Miss Hazy wept afresh. "Well, he ain't my kind, Mary. I know I'd hadn't orter marry him, but it 'pears like ever' woman sorter wants to try gittin' married oncet anyways. I never would 'a' done it, though, if Mrs. Wiggs hadn't 'a' sicked me on." By this time Mr. Stubbins had reached the yard, and Miss Hazy fled.

"What I orter hev," he continued, reflectively, "is a typewriter. When I git two er three hunderd ahead perhaps I'll buy one secondhand." "Kin ye buy one thet'll spell, Skim?" she asked, as she made a neat roll of the manuscript and tied a pink hair ribbon around it. Skim put on a collar and necktie and took his story across to the newspaper office.

"Law sakes!" said she, in great trepidation, "yer orter get warm right away", and hastened down stairs. A stout, hale man, soon entered the room, with a basket of wood and a pan of coals, followed immediately by Aunt Esther, who began to arrange them on the hearth.

The boys over there say that she broke the horse herself, and I say! you fellers orter see her make him go and he likes it, too." By the time the man stopped talking, my excitement was great, for I was positive that he had been speaking of Rollo, although no mention had been made of the horse's color or gait. So I asked what gait the horse had.

"I was going to ask you what I'd orter give the preacher fer marryin' Lily Rose and me. The fireman of Number Six told me he give two dollars when he was spliced, but you see Mr. Meredith is so swell, I'd orter give more." Amarilly gazed reflectively into space while she grappled with this proposition.

They'uns wus sent for t' come over and help we'uns lick yo'uns the fust two days, but they'uns wouldn't come. I'm jest glad they'uns kotched hit good an' hard ez they'uns done got hit. But we'uns 's now got heaps more men than we'uns had at Stone River, an' they're all together over thar by Tullyhomy. Lordy, you jest orter seed 'em az I did.

"I don't feel," continued Uncle Israel, tottering into the house, "as though a poor, sick man with green insides instead of red orter be turned out. Judson Centre is a terrible healthy place, or the sanitarium wouldn't have been built here, an' travellin' on the cars would shake me up considerable. I feel as though I was goin' to be took bad, an' as if I ought not to go.

"There's Ben," continued the blind man, "he's as peart a boy as you ever see, preacher Blake, ef I do say it as hadn't orter say it. Bennie hain't got no clothes. I can't beg. But Ben orter be in school." Here Peter Sitles choked a little. "How's broom-making Peter?" said the minister. "Well, you see, it's the machines as is a-spoiling us.

I say that a'ny man what can't take kere o' himself, not ter mention his wife, should orter go ter the poorhouse." But the matriarch's voice quavered even more than usual, and as she finished she hastily bent down and felt in her deep skirt-pocket for her snuff-box. Now the Amazonian Mrs.