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It is from this trunk of a scientific universality, of a useful, practical, always-at-hand, all-inclusive, historical universality, to which the tracking of the principles, operant in history, to their simple forms and 'causes in nature, conducts the scientific experimenter, it is from this primal living trunk and heart of sciences, to which the new method of learning conducts us, that this great branch of scientific practice comes, which this drama with its 'transitory shows' has brought safely down to us; this two-fold branch of ethics and politics, which come to us conjoined as ethics and politics came in other systems then not scientific, making in their junction, and through all their divergencies, 'the forbidden questions' of science.

The operant will to get rid of them would be baptized with a fire that should burn them up. When a man breaks with his sins, then the wind of the Lord's fan will blow them away, the fire of the Lord's heart will consume them. I think, then, that the part of the repentant man, and not the part of God, in the sending away of sins, is intended here.

In that pyramid of knowledges which the science of things constitutes; in that converging ascent to the original simplicity and identity of nature, beginning at that broad science which makes its base the science of Natural History beginning with the basis of the historical complexity and difference; in that pyramid of science, that new and solid pyramid, which the Inductive science which the inquiry into causes that are operant in nature builds, this author will not stop, either on that broad field of the universal history of nature, which is the base of it, or on that first stage of the ascent which the platform of 'the physical causes' makes.

"Anybody with leisure can do that who is willing to begin where everything ought to be begun that is, at the beginning. Nothing worth calling good can or ever will be started full grown. The essential of any good is life, and the very body of created life, and essential to it, being its self operant, is growth. The larger start you make, the less room you leave for life to extend itself.

The Indian has a sublime idea of creation. He loves the brown earth and calls it his mother, because it has creative power and because it nourishes. And thus we might gather in from the thirty-two points of the compass the forces operant in earth and sky, and each would become a herald of the Indian’s life of faith. The Indian child is nursed on Indian song and story.

The fullest natural history of those forces that are operant in the hourly life of man, the most profound and subtle observation of the facts of this history, the most thoroughly scientific collection of them, make the beginning of this enterprise.

For had there not been in him a vague condescension operant all the time? Had he not been all but conscious of the feeling that his position made up for any want in his love? Had she been conventionally a lady, instead of an angel in peasant form, would he have been so ready to return her kindness with an offer of marriage?

The fact that the 'human nature' is, indeed, what it is called, a 'nature, the fact that the human species is a species, the fact that the human kind is but a kind, neighboured with many others from which it is isolated by its native walls of ignorance, neighboured with many others, more or less known, known and unknown, more or less kind-ly, more or less hostile, species, kinds, whose dialects of the universal laws, man has not found, the fact that the universal, historic principles are operant in all the specific modifications of human nature, and control and determine them, the fact that the human life admits of a scientific analysis, and that its phenomena require to be traced to their true forms, this is the fact which is the key to the new philosophy, the key which unlocks it, the key to the part speculative, and the part operative of it.

Mark not only was an influence on him altogether new, but had stirred up and brought alive in him a thousand influences besides, not merely of things hitherto dormant in him, but of memories never consciously, operant words of his mother; a certain Sunday-evening with her; her last blessing on his careless head; the verse of a well-known hymn she repeated as she was dying; old scraps of things she had taught him; dying little Mark gave life to these and many other things.

Not merely is the cultivation of operant faculty a better education in faculty, but it brings the man nearer to every thing operant; humanity unfolds itself to him the readier; its ways and thoughts and modes of being grow the clearer to both intellect and heart.