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I could fill this page with sayings from the scene in question, all perfectly comprehensible without any account of the situation. Among them would be one of those; profound sayings which Wilde now and then threw off in his lightest moods, like opals among soap-bubbles. "In the world," says Dumby, "there are two tragedies. One is not getting what one wants, and the other is getting it."

I must confess, however, that these stones interested me but little, for as I delved amongst his treasures I brought up at last a necklace of opals and diamonds, the first set gems I had discovered; and as I held them to the lamp and examined the curious grouping of the stones, and the strange Eastern form of the clasp, I knew that I had seen the bundle before.

Do you know that opals bring bad luck to those who come beneath the spell of their influence?" "I'll risk the bad luck, Opal!" And she smiled. And he thought as he looked at her, how well she understood him! What an inspiration would her love have brought to such a life as he meant his to be!

Some of the walls were to be of rubies, some of emeralds, some of pearls. There was to be any amount of beaten gold for doors and pillars; and the ceilings were to be of milk-white opals, with a rosy light which comes and goes. All was done as he desired; and, when the castle of gems was finished, it would need a pen of jasponyx dipped in rainbows to describe it.

In the morning of his two hundred and fiftieth year Shepperalk the centaur went to the golden coffer, wherein the treasure of the centaurs was, and taking from it the hoarded amulet that his father, Jyshak, in the year of his prime, had hammered from mountain gold and set with opals bartered from the gnomes, he put it upon his wrist, and said no word, but walked from his mother's cavern.

"Have you no superstitions?" he asked. "I hope not I don't think I have," she answered. "We're not allowed to have superstitions, you know nous autres Catholiques." "Oh?" he said, with surprise. "No, I did n't know." "Yes, they're a forbidden luxury. But you ? Are you superstitious? Would you be afraid of opals?" "I doubt if I should have the courage to wear one.

Pedro made no reply, but went to his room, where he selected from among his most cherished belongings a gift for each of his guests three beautiful opals and laid them upon their respective suit cases. When the Broncho Rider Boys arrived at the embassy they found a large crowd of Americans already assembled.

An', of course, it's plain the divers an' several disasters, from the loss of that kyard gent's bank-roll down to the Mexican nuptials of the ill-advised lady to whom I alloodes, can't be laid to its charge. The whole racket shocks an' shakes me to that degree, concloods Enright, 'that to-day I ain't got no settled views on opals', none whatever.

He is now dead. But what do you think of these specimens? 'He took from a drawer ten or twelve opals of rare size and brilliancy. I examined them with care; they were, beyond all doubt, of very considerable value. My incredulity gradually gave way to amazement. ''Are you certain these opals really came from the mine of which you speak?

"'This terrifies him; he begins to believe in the evil innocences of opals. He presents the jewelry to a bar-keep, who puts it up, since his game limits itse'f to sellin' licker an', him bein' plenty careful not to drink none himse'f, his contracted destinies don't offer no field for opals an' their malign effects.