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Was it then, or in the nineteenth century, that we rode the camel together, I on the hindmost peak? "Oh, the oont, oh, the oont, oh, the gawdforsaken oont!" as the poet of the barrack-room sings.

Kipling's 'oont, "'e smells most awful vile," and, if he be a Fan, he accompanies his observations with violent dramatic gestures, and let the customer's tribe or sex be what it may, the customer is sadly, sadly liable to pick up any portable object within reach, under the shadow of his companions' uproar, and stow it away in his armpits, between his legs, or, if his cloth be large enough, in that.

This is a Heaven-sent 'problem' and we'll solve it and I'll quote it in my 'manual'. Quite war-conditions. Very badly wounded man inaccessible position stretcher-parties all out of sight aeroplane can't land for any first-aid nor to pick up the casualty excellent problem and demonstration. That oont will simplify it, though.

Drayton, who knew the Cotswolds, and wrote poetry about the district, uses the expression "frim pastures." "Plym" is the swelling of wood when it is immersed in water; and "thilk," another Anglo-Saxon word, means thus or the same. A mole in the Gloucestershire dialect is an "oont" or "woont." A barrow or mound of any kind is a "tump."

The aeroplane swooped down and grounded gently within a hundred yards of the kneeling camel, who eyed it with the cold and supercilious disdain of his kind. "Tell you what," said Colonel Decies, "when I get up there again, have a good squint and see if you think you can locate the spot for yourself from below. If you can, I'll come down again and we'll both go up on the oont.

Over his shoulder he bore the planks, pole and sticks that the contemptuous but invaluable camel had borne to a point a few yards below the scene of the tragedy. "Good egg," observed the younger man. "We'll do him up in those like a mummy." "Yes," returned the Colonel, "then carry him to the oont and bind him along one side of the saddle, and then lead the beast down.

Look here I'll drop down and land you by it, and then come here again and hover. You bring the beast up you'll be able to ride most of the way if you zig-zag, and lead him most of the rest. Then you'll have to carry the casualty to the oont and bring him down."