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"Nothing nothing at all. How should I know what she would do?" "Then you ought to have kept still an' held yer tongue," said Pat. "But it seems to me as if we'd ought to investigate this thing a little," ventured Prouty. "We ain't got anythin' here but this 'ere young 'ooman's word for what's happened.

"It's an uncommon pleasant dream, if it is one," remarked Jim Slagg, with a grave stare at Robin, as he sat up on his couch. "I never in all my born days dreamt such a sweet smell of coffee and fried sausages. Why, the old 'ooman's a-bringin' of 'em in, I do declare. Pinch me, Stumps, to see if I'm awake!"

"Well, mister, I mean this; whether or no poor old Mrs. Quarles saw her affectionate nephew that night before the clock struck twelve, there's none alive to tell; but no one else did for Sarah and I sat up for him till past midnight. He was hidden away somewhere, snug enough; and as I verily believe, in the poor old 'ooman's own "

With mischievous glee sparkling in his eyes, he hastened down to the Court to exhibit his sixpence to his mother, and to announce to all whom it might concern, that "the sea-capp'n had run his jib-boom slap through the old 'ooman's cabin-door."

"'Taint all my property, lad," replied the Captain, with a good-humoured nod, "most of it is a poor old 'ooman's belongings." So saying, he got a man to carry his sea-chest, himself shouldered the bundle, Gillie was intrusted with the full-rigged model, and thus laden they left the scene followed by another laugh and a hearty cheer.

Fortunately for poor May, her friend was suddenly stopped by a shout from the outer room. "Hallo, ladies! how long are you goin' to be titivatin' yourselves? There ain't no company comin'. The sausages are on the table, and the old 'ooman's gittin' so impatient that she's beginnin' to abuse the cat." This last remark was too true and sad to be passed over in silence.

"Well, mister, I mean this; whether or no poor old Mrs. Quarles saw her affectionate nephew that night before the clock struck twelve, there's none alive to tell; but no one else did for Sarah and I sat up for him till past midnight. He was hidden away somewhere, snug enough; and as I verily believe, in the poor old 'ooman's own "

He was near to losing his cause and the wind was completely taken out of his sails when the widow replied with a snort, "Give in, my Lawd! Dat ooman's got a right to give in; ain't she got 'uligion an' de man, too?" However, the storm blew over, and by the time service was begun they were all seated together on a front bench, Sister Nancy, William, and Sister Ann.

The old negro seemed to be seeking a way to elude this argument, but evidently finding none, he was about to shuffle meekly off. He halted, however. "Jedge," said he, "ma ol' 'ooman's near driv' abstracted." "Your old woman is an idiot," responded the judge. Williams came very close and peered solemnly through a branch of lilac. "Judge," he whispered, "the chillens." "What about them?"

'I'll do no 'ooman's will! said Vessons. 'Look here, Vessons! Be reasonable. Listen to me. I'm your master, aren't I? 'Ah! Till a month. 'Well, you take orders from me; that's all that matters. I'm master here. The tones of his ancestry were in his voice an ancestry that ruled over and profited by men and women as good as themselves, or better.