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I reckon 'twould be about the most onprofitable conwersation as ever the crew of this here cutter took a part in. We've got our own wholesome planks to walk, aboard here, when we wants any of that sort of exercise; and though there's not much to boast of in the way of room, I dare say there's more of that than we'd find on the plank you'd, give us for a parade ground.

"It's a-plenty onprofitable, Buddy, don't you reckon?" he ventured, referring to the social diversion. There was a picric quality in Tom's tone when he replied: "The calling act? I have certainly found it so to-night." Then, more humanely: "But as a means of relaxation it beats sitting here in the dark and stewing over to-morrow's furnace run which is what you've been doing." Caleb chuckled.

He didn't care a hat for the Mate, for he was glad to git rid of him; but he liked the cabin-boy an' he had to pay the owner o' the nigger $1,200 for him, an' that made runnin' up the Teche onprofitable." "Oh, Shorty," Si gasped. He thought he was acquainted with his partner's brilliant talents for romance, but this was a meteoric flight that he had not expected.

If this was a West India v'y'ge, I wouldn't stand a minute about signing the articles; nor should I make much question if the craft was large enough for a common whalin' v'y'ge; but, sealin' is a different business, and one onprofitable hand may make many an onprofitable lay."

She put a powerful emphasis on the "might not," and Josiah looked real agitated, and I sez: "Such talk is onprofitable, and I should advise you, Josiah, to use your man's influence to try to make peace for the country's good, instead of wars for the profit of Trusts, Ambition, etc., and you can escape the cannon's mouth, and Arvilly keep on sellin' books instead of ploughin' and mowin'."

I always holler to Josiah if I see a snake and he makes way with it. But such talk is onprofitable. But Josiah hadn't a doubt but this was the Garden of Eden and talked fluent about it. One odd thing here in Ceylon is that foxes have wings and can fly.