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That, Thane was sure, was the correct translation of the Onzarian. Not 'charge, not 'offense, but 'purpose. It was a one-word explanation of Candar's whole system of justice. "... and she claimed to be an acolyte of the church," the bigger guard was saying. "Gave the name of a registered acolyte and everything. And funny thing, the Priestess of Keltar vouched for her. Had to let her go.

There was, indeed, a time when children were taught to answer questions in complete sentences even when one-word answers would have amply sufficed.

"Jamrud!" The jezailchi growled the one-word answer with one eye on King, but the other eye still squinted down the pistol barrel warily. "Have you a letter?" The man did not answer. "You may speak to me. I am of your regiment. I am Captain King." "That is a lie, and a poor one!" the fellow answered.

If we worked all of our miners in all of our mines a reasonable year, we would have a great overproduction. And to have all our mines work a longer period means that we must find some place in which to sell more coal, either at home or abroad. Why have we so many mines working so many miners? There can be no one-word reply to this question.

There is nothing easier than to write down correct answers to one-word questions, if you have the answer-book in front of you. Ruddock's writing-pad passed slowly round the back and centre benches. Next day the result was announced. "Well," said Claremont, "I must own that I was agreeably surprised by the results of the Divinity papers.

He went to the telegraph desk and wrote out a message: "Mr. Frank Abrahamson, 329 College Street, Furmville, N. C. "Silence. "One-word telegrams!" he smiled grimly. "Thrifty fellows, these chosen people." He found the telephone booths and called up Golson. "Got anything from Baltimore?" he inquired. "Just been talking to Delaney on long-distance," Golson answered without enthusiasm. "Well!

As to veracity, I have told the reader, the Touarghee nation is a "one-word" people. We cannot expect the same thing from the commercial and make-money habits of the Moors of Ghadames, but they rank much higher for veracity than the Moors of The Coast, which latter have the superior advantages of direct European contact.

When the first intentions to colonize New England came to the King's notice, he asked the leaders what drew them there. The one-word answer: "Fishing." If the Virginians had been similarly queried they would have given various replies, but certainly not that one.

Suddenly he heard it, cracked, strained, asking a one-word question. "Why?" She did not answer at once. She had turned away again. She was aimlessly opening and shutting a little silver powder-box lying amongst the brushes and make-up. All his life Jimmy Challoner remembered the little clicking noise it made. He could see nothing of her face. He made a sudden passionate movement towards her.