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I can see the heads of her topsails now, and they are so square and symmetrical, that gold bands are below beyond all doubt." "Perhaps he's a Frenchman Johnny Crapaud keeps cruisers in these seas as well as the rest on'em." "Johnny Crapaud's craft don't spread such arms, sir. The ship is either English or American; and he's heading for the Mona Passage as well as ourselves."

And out in the road by which we had come, wuz sights and sights of vehicles and conveyances of all kinds from big Tally Ho coaches with four horses on 'em, down to a little two wheeled buggy. The road wuz full on'em. In front of us, down at the bottom of a steep though beautiful hill, lay stretched out the clear blue waters of the lake.

The native gazed thoughtfully round, as if to verify the statement. Then he said slowly: "They pulled one down. There weren't enough wind for two on'em!"

For the works o' God there ain't one on'em as I can see downright well managed tip-top jiner's work, as I may say; leastways, Now stop a bit, grannie; don't trip a man up, and then say as he fell over his own dog, leastways, I don't say about the moon an' the stars an' that; I dessay the sun he do get up the werry moment he's called of a mornin', an' the moon when she ought to for her night-work, I ain't no 'stronomer strawnry, and I ain't heerd no complaints about them; but I do say as how, down here, we ha' got most uncommon bad weather more'n at times; and the walnuts they turns out, every now an' then, full o' mere dirt; an' the oranges awful.

"Ne'er a one on'em. Mr. Brandon, as I tell 'ee, never come nigh the place. I don't know as ever I see'd him. It was him as they made bishop afterwards, some'eres away in Ireland. He had a lord to his uncle. Then Muster Threepaway, he was here ever so long." "But he didn't mind such things."