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You know, master, that the secret of keeping well, according to Hippocrates; id est: cibi, potus, somni, venus, omnia moderata sint." "So you have no care, Master Pierre?" resumed the archdeacon, gazing intently at Gringoire. "None, i' faith!" "And what are you doing now?" "You see, master. I am examining the chiselling of these stones, and the manner in which yonder bas-relief is thrown out."

'Nights beside it must be fearful, and good matter for a divorce, if the poor dear lady could hale it to the doors of the Vatican! Sullivan Smith exclaimed. 'But there's character in noses. 'Calculable by inches? Dacier asked. 'More than in any other feature, said Lady Dunstane. 'The Riffords are all prodigiously gifted and amusing: suspendens omnia naso. It should be prayed for in families.

I spoke, a short time back, of the language of Shakespear in his finest passages, as of unrivalled excellence and beauty; I might almost have called it miraculous. O, si sic omnia! It is to be lamented that this felicity often deserts him. He is not seldom cramp, rigid and pedantic.

"Ought we to maintain as Duparc, Poullain, and Lanjuinais would have us the rule spoliatus ante omnia restituendus, when an individual, who is neither proprietor nor annual possessor, is expelled by a third party, who has no right to the estate? I think not.

You see that our worldly means had limited us to a quality that cost only three cents. But we had been taught that nothing great was accomplished without effort, and so we puffed away. Indeed, we had heard our older brothers in their Latin lessons say, Omnia vincet labor; which translated means, If you want to make anything go, you must scratch for it.

I like his person, admire his genius, and respect his immense erudition, but non omnia. In point of reasoning and political judgment he is a perfect Harpado nothing better than a wild bull.

But he was then speaking against the Stoics, in the character of an Academician. The Stoics already derived from the decrees of God the prevision of events. For, as Cicero says in the same book: 'Sequitur porro nihil Deos ignorare, quod omnia ab iis sint constituta. And, according to my system, God, having seen the possible world that he desired to create, foresaw everything therein.

Those actions have much more grace and lustre, that slip from the hand of him that does them, negligently and without noise, and that some honest man thereafter finds out and raises from the shade, to produce it to the light upon its own account, "Mihi quidem laudabiliora videntur omnia, quae sine venditatione, et sine populo teste fiunt," Cicero, Tusc.

And here once in the year was a marvelous solemn service, when the parson of Caermaen came out with the singers and all the people, singing the psalm Benedicite omnia opera as they passed along the road in their procession.

Here a truly illuminating result was attained by the simple device of using the indicative for the conditional mood as in Juvenal's famous comment on Cicero's second Philippic: Antoni gladios potuit contemnere si sic omnia dixisset.