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From on board he took me to his yard, where vast and many places of deals, sparrs, and bulks, &c., the difference between which I never knew before, and indeed am very proud of this evening's work. He had me into his house, which is most pretty and neat and well furnished. And so to sleep. Up early and to my office, putting things in order against we sit.

In 1914 Gomez resigned office in favor of the Vice President, and secured an appointment instead as commander in chief of the army. This procedure was promptly denounced as a trick to evade the constitutional prohibition of two consecutive terms. A year later he was unanimously elected President, though he never formally took the oath of office.

Garnet was a poor soldier in camp, you're right; but on the field you'd only to tease him and he'd fight like a wild bull." They drank, lighted cigars, and sauntered out toward the General's office. "John, I've read what you wrote me. I can't see it. We'll never colonize any lands in Dixie, my boy, till we've changed the whole system of laws under which we rent land and raise crops.

Edestone, that I am, in reality, giving more dignity to my office by bringing it closer to and by placing it at the services of, those from whose hands it first received its dignity, the sovereign people.

Up, and to the office, where all the morning, it being a rainy foul day.

In former days the place might have been respectable, and then the original Asher had set up his official tent in the neighborhood; but civilization had moved westward, and Terry Street was looked on askance by fashionable solicitors. Nevertheless the firm of Asher continued to dwell in the dingy office, where their progenitors had slaved for close on a hundred years.

Later were added readings from the acts of the martyrs, and later still, readings from the homilies of the Fathers. Till the seventh century the ferial Office had no lessons and the Sunday Office had only three, all taken from the Bible, which was read in its entirety, yearly. In the seventh century, ferial Offices received three lessons. About the time of St.

I must own, my dear lord, that, a few months since, I feared you were wedded to the expensive pleasures of the turf. Your acceptance of the office of Steward at the Curragh meetings confirmed the reports which reached me from various quarters.

The Post Office.% Washington sees a great wagon or a white trolley car marked United States Mail, and on inquiry is told that the money now spent by the government each year for the support of the post offices would have more than paid the national debt when he was President. He hears with amazement that there are now 75,000 post offices, and recalls that in 1790 there were but seventy-five.

The story was briefly told of how it had got into the wash-basket after having been found in Daddy's pocket and taken to the office. "Oh, I'm so glad!" cried Sidney. "I'll be over the first thing in the morning to get him." "But what I'm wondering about is how the Clown got in my pocket," said Daddy, with a puzzled look on his face.