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It is held in the newly-built office of the minister for native affairs the prettiest and most respectable-looking public office which I have seen in Maritzburg, by the way.

"As good!" echoed the usher. "I am offered sixty dollars a month and board, with the possibility of a larger sum, in the event of extra service being demanded." Socrates Smith had never been more surprised. This Mr. Crabb, whom he had considered to be under his thumb, as being wholly dependent upon him, was to receive a salary which he considered princely. "How did you get this office?" he asked.

It would also interfere seriously with the new manner of life which he proposed for himself, and he firmly declined to continue in the old office.

"He's one of the best men we have on the bench to-day," he added. There was a trace of apology in his tone. He talked a while of my father, to whom, so he said, he had looked up ever since he had been admitted to the bar. "It would be a pleasure to me, Hugh, as well as a matter of pride," he said cordially, but with dignity, "to have Matthew Paret's son in my office.

Hide it away. It is to make up to you for my failure as a father. Some time it may prove to be a door, a great open door to you. Come now, I tell you I'm about to die, give me your promise." In Doctor Reefy's office, Elizabeth, a tired gaunt old woman at forty-one, sat in a chair near the stove and looked at the floor. By a small desk near the window sat the doctor.

An', he says, 'ye might stop off at Cincinnati on th' way over an' arrange f'r a McKinley an' Rosenfelt club to ilict th' British Consul its prisidint an' attack th' office iv th' German newspaper, he says.

Hamlin halted, threw away his encumbering saddle, and, good rider that he was, remounted the horse, barebacked but for his blanket-pad, and thrusting his knees in the loose girths, again dashed forwards, with such good results that, as Van Loo galloped up to the stagecoach office, at the next station, and was about to enter the waiting coach for Marysville, the soft hand of Mr.

A cable in from the Foreign Office telling me that the Russian part of my force consists of a complete Army Corps under General Istomine evidently War and Foreign Offices still work in watertight compartments! Left Alexandria last night at 11 and came into Port Said at dawn.

This distribution of meat intended as a return for favours shown on the trial, proved also the means of procuring him the honour of a public office; for, at the next election, though absent, he was preferred before the candidates who solicited in person the tribuneship of the commons. The city of Palæpolis was situated at no great distance from the spot where Neapolis now stands.

There was, of course, a profuse interchange of courtesy between the departing and the newly-arrived Governors. Alva was willing to remain a little while, to assist his successor with his advice, but preferred that the Grand Commander should immediately assume the reins of office. To this Requesens, after much respectful reluctance, at length consented.