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For myself, I have adopted all which the present state of their religion renders possible. And I don't despair to see the day when bloody sacrifices will be offered on the Temple Mount as of old." Here he came to a pause; and Charles making no reply, he said, in a brisk, off-hand manner, "May I not hope you will give your name to this religious object, and adopt the old ritual?

His first words were a decided shock. "Ah wouldn't set much store about this mine, girls! You-all don't see what Ah see in this discovery. It's gold yes, it looks to me like red- gold of good quality, and if it is as you say a cavern exposed so any one can value it off-hand, so much the better!

Though her flat was only three floors above, she managed in the few seconds of ascent to give Flambeau a great many of her fundamental views in an off-hand manner; they were to the general effect that she was a modern working woman and loved modern working machinery. Her bright black eyes blazed with abstract anger against those who rebuke mechanic science and ask for the return of romance.

Lord Uxmoor was dazzled, transfixed, at the vision, and bowed very low when Vizard introduced him in an off-hand way, saying, "My sister, Miss Vizard; but I dare say you have met her at the county balls." "I have never been so fortunate," said Uxmoor, humbly. "I have," said Zoe; "that is, I saw you waltzing with Lady Betty Gore at the race ball two years ago." "What!" said Vizard, alarmed.

Fernando had so schooled himself, that, as he took her hand, he said in a most commonplace manner: "I was sent here, Miss Lane. I am a soldier, and wherever duty calls, I go, be it pleasant or unpleasant." Morgianna was not prepared for this. The cool, off-hand manner seemed to hardly indicate the respect of friendship.

Next day, the impudent fellow told me that he would order us a good supper at Viterbo, and that of course I would lend him a sequin to pay for his dinner at Montefiascone. So saying, he skewed me in an off-hand way a bill of exchange on Rome for three thousand crowns. I did not trouble to read it, and gave him the sequin, though I felt sure I should never see it again.

It was impossible to determine off-hand whether they had come or gone, but, if they came from Bristol, then most certainly they had not returned. Medenham took nothing for granted. Dusk was advancing, and he must make no mistake at this stage. He ran the Mercury slowly ahead, not taking his gaze off the telltale signs. At last he found what he was looking for.

"Cynics real cynics never can." "But I am not a cynic." "Are you sure of that?" "Yes, quite sure." "And yet you tell me that you never take the trouble to flatter the inferior male. That's conflicting evidence, you know. Are you a man-hater, by the way?" She shivered as if at a sudden draught. "I'm not prepared to answer that question off-hand." she said. "Very prudent of you!" he commented.

His business-like, severe, and off-hand manner bespoke the villicus or bailiff himself. “Always here,” said he, “as if you were a slave, not a Roman, my good fellow; yet slaves have their Saturnalia; always serving, not worshipping the all-bounteous and all-blessed. Why are you not taking holiday in the town?”

In nine cases out of ten it meant, when given, that personal relations were strained. Approaching the battalion commander Mr. Davies looked him straight in the eye and raised his gloved right hand to the cap visor. Cranston, with the most off-hand nod imaginable, gruffly and shortly said, "Good-morning," without so much as a tempering "sir" or "captain," and hurried sturdily by.