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As he had been occupying this for half a year or more of course he was very familiar with its features, both good and poor and made no comment as he retired.

But ever since his death, many years before, it had been the faded outer shell into which the intellectual kernel of Dormillière life withdrew itself, and in the passage as one entered, the sign "INSTITUT CANADIEN," which had once had its place on the front, might be seen resting on the floor, a beehive and the motto "Altius Tendimus," occupying the space between the two words.

In this case the common end is the maintenance of the Union; and among the means to secure that end, such will, through the election, is most clearly declared in favor of such constitutional amendment." The joint resolution was called up in the House on January 6, 1865, and general discussion followed from time to time, occupying perhaps half the days of that month.

And now to elude Pyecraft, occupying, as he does, an admirable strategic position between me and the door.

But though the evidence on this trial is not only in itself illegal, and by confession perjured, but the report of it comes to us with a falsehood on the face of it, and is therefore not to be taken without criticism; that there was a movement of some kind meditated about that time, by persons occupying chief places of trust and responsibility in the nation a movement not favourable to the continuance of 'the standing departments' in the precise form in which they then stood that the project of an administrative reform had not, at least, been wholly laid aside that there was something which did not fully come out on that trial, any one who looks at this report of it will be apt to infer.

Our gunners were co-operating by the process known as "engaging the enemy's artillery," but we did not doubt that the Toronto Battalion, then occupying our trenches, were having rather a warm time of it, as the Hun, instead of being a sportsman and shelling our batteries, used to retaliate on our trenches. We set off the following day for the trenches.

A place nearer the Shire would have been chosen had he expected his supplies to come up that river; but the Portuguese, claiming the river Shire, though never occupying even its mouth, had closed it, as well as the Zambesi. Our hopes were turned to the Rovuma, as a free highway into Lake Nyassa and the vast interior.

He had hitherto sat at the same desk with Alaric, each of them occupying one side of it; on his return he found himself opposite to a stranger. Alaric had, of course, been promoted to a room of his own. The Weights and Measures had never been a noisy office; but now it became more silent than ever. Men there talked but little at any time, and now they seemed to cease from talking altogether.

They responded by choosing their enterprising compatriot for their delegate, who promptly set out for Washington, bearing their mandate. Arriving at the capital, he found Thomas Johnson already occupying a seat in the House in the capacity of delegate-elect. Not to be outdone, the Iowa Johnson somewhat surreptitiously secured his admission to the floor.

I may as well finish this letter and send it with the mail which leaves Calcutta to-morrow. We can't pack, because Mrs. Albert Murray is occupying all the cabin and most of the passage. We shall creep down when she is quite done and put our belongings together. Everyone is flying about writing luggage labels, and getting their boxes up from the hold, and counting things.