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The substantiation of an ice-cap at the pole will disprove the first hypothesis; for what we took for ice before alighting may have been but banks of cloud, since, having been in the plane of the planet's equator at the time, we had naturally but a very oblique view of the poles; while the absence of glacial scratches shows, I take it, that though the axis may have been a good deal more inclined than at present, it has not, at all events since Jupiter's Palaeozoic period, been as much so as that of Uranus or Venus.

"One says this is a polite author; another says, that is an excellent good writer; and generally we find some oblique strokes pointed sideways at themselves; intimating that whether we think fit to allow it or not, they take themselves to be very good writers.

This form of bleeding is serious in those who are the subjects of hæmophilia. The following description of the injuries of arteries refers to the larger, named trunks. The injuries of smaller, unnamed vessels are included in the consideration of wounds and contusions. #Contusion.# An artery may be contused by a blow or crush, or by the oblique impact of a bullet.

It appears like heavy silk, but the oblique threads that make it look so heavy are all cotton. How much do you want for the whole, my pretty miss?" "I do not know," said Leonora, in a low voice, "as much as you can give me for it." "Yes, yes," grumbled the old man, "I am to give a great deal of money for very poor goods; that is what they all ask me to do.

She had a little purse of embroidery her own work in her hand; and she stole lightly to the bedside, with her peculiar oblique smile, and evidently thinking that her sister was asleep. Alice was thrilled with a strange terror, and did not speak or move; and her sister slipped her hand softly under her bolster, and withdrew it.

Hastings with having availed himself, in filling up the void of direct pay by finding out and countenancing every kind of oblique and unjust emolument; though it must be confessed that he is far from being solely guilty of this offence. Another circumstance which distinguishes the East India Company is the youth of the persons who are employed in the system of that service.

After fidgeting with his shawls, he gave me an oblique scowl and asked me my age. "Twenty-four," I replied. "Sort of a tadpole, aren't you?" he said. As I took no offence, he repeated the remark. "Oh, come," said I, "there's no use in trying to irritate me. I see through you; a row acts like a cocktail on you but you'll have to stick to gruel in my company."

"What is your name?" asked the chief of the girl, scowling. It was quite evident he couldn't understand her actions any better than I. "Alice Hawthorne," with an oblique glance at me. I had been right! "What is your occupation? I am obliged to ask these questions, Miss." "I am a miniature painter," briefly, Hamilton came forward. "Alice Hawthorne?

This kind of Wit was very much in Vogue among our own Countrymen about an Age or two ago, who did not practise it for any oblique Reason, as the Ancients abovementioned, but purely for the sake of being Witty. Among innumerable Instances that may be given of this Nature, I shall produce the Device of one Mr Newberry, as I find it mentioned by our learned Cambden in his Remains.

He was an artist of "oblique integrity": He saw unquestionably at an angle, but the angle was a beautiful one, and while many of his associates were doing American Barbizon, he was giving forth a shy, yet rare kind of expression, always a little symbolic in tendency, with the mood far more predominant.