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In subsequent times on the other hand those colonels or adjutants of legions appear as a permanent and organic institution, and as nominated no longer by the governor whom they obey, but by the supreme command in Rome; both changes seem referable to Caesar's arrangements connected with the Gabinian law.

Go; make no answer! Obey, ingrate! Disappear, I command you!" At these words he tried to throw himself at my feet. "Go, wretched fellow!" I cried to him; and, at my voice, my lackeys ran up and drove him from the room and from the chateau. Almost always these bad-natured folks have cowardly souls.

When the summons to Ratisbon had reached him in Brussels, he had been joyously ready to obey it nay, he had felt it a great happiness to see again the beloved place for which he had never ceased to long. And yet, the nearer he approached it, the more anxiously his heart throbbed.

"There needs no battle, dearest Ignazia, either love me as I love you, or tell me to leave the house, and see you no more. I will obey you, but that will not make you happy." "I know that. No, you shall not go from your own house. But allow me to tell you that you are mistaken in your estimate of my cousins' characters. I know what influenced you, but you do not know all.

"Every degree of inclination contrary to duty, which is and must be sinful, implies and involves an equal degree of difficulty and inability to obey. For, indeed, such inclination of the heart to disobey, and the difficulty or inability to obey, are precisely one and the same.

I may be called on to prove the forgery of these passages: if you do not show me, and truly, which are yours, and which are not, how can I answer for you, Helen?" "One hour," said Helen, "only leave me for one hour, and it shall be done." "Why this cowardly delay?" "I ask only one hour only leave me for one hour." "I obey, Miss Stanley, since it must be so. I am gone."

"I won't run away, for papa said if I stayed and was good he would give me a watch that really goes and keeps time, for Christmas." "I am glad you did not mean it," said Miss Emma. "You need not be afraid of being unhappy if you are good and obey the rules.

They will not obey me at all." It had been a number of weeks since he had sent the children away, and in that time Austin had been far from happy. He felt that he was not doing his duty, yet he could not under existing circumstances feel that he should take the entire care and support of the children. But this S. O. S. aroused him to a knowledge of the present duty, and he went directly home.

Is He not their master as well as ours? What right, then, have we to obey and call any man master but Himself? How we could be so submissive to a gang of men, whom we can not tell whether they are as good as ourselves, or not, I never could conceive."

"Then do all in your power to learn the language, and at the same time to appear to be reconciled. More follows." "I will obey you, sir." "I see you are both brave and sensible. Force does not work here, save to oppress. Be cunning, be sly, and, after you have mastered the language and the situation, then there will be more hope for you.