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Badcock, who was to enact the part of Menelaus, had at my request attired himself early, for some few of my nightingales were young birds and not to be depended on, and I had an idea of concealing him in the shrubberies to supply a flauto obbligato while our guests arrived.

Pray forgive my asking Y.R.H. to send me the two Sonatas with violin obbligato which I caused to be transcribed for Y.R.H. I require them only for a few days, when I will immediately return them. I beg you will kindly send me the Sonata in E minor, as I wish to correct it. On Monday I shall inquire for Y.R.H. in person.

Dick flung an arm about the furry whirlwind that was seeking to avenge his punishment, and pulled the dog back to his side. Mrs. Hazen's shriek, and the obbligato accompaniment of the washerwoman, made an approaching man quicken his steps as he strolled around the side of the house. The newcomer was Dick's father, superintendent of the local bottling works.

Activity along such lines has left Pratt little time for the smaller forms of composition; a few have been published, among them the song, "Dream Vision," in which Schumann's "Träumerei" is used for violin obbligato; and a few piano pieces, such as "Six Soliloquies," with poetic text.

Sublime!" and those utterances are for the behoof of a young poet, who is reading out with all possible pathos a new tragedy of destiny, tedious and silly enough even to be read aloud on such an occasion. A delightful feature of the affair was, that one heard a species of obbligato accompaniment going on in the next room, a species of growling, like the rumble of distant thunder.

I suppose I must have looked the puzzlement I felt, for she added hastily: "The text, you know; a little cool rill of it to trickle down through the page like a fine, thin strain of music that that helps out the song tee- e-e-um; tee-e-e-um " She lifted her arm, sawing with a long ruler at a violin of air, "but you don't have to listen unless you wish to the obbligato, you know."

Jane kept up a sort of obbligato to the show, inserting provocative little witticisms here and there, sometimes as Rodney's ally, sometimes as her husband's, and luring them, when she could, into the quiet backwaters of metaphysics, where she was more than a match for the two of them. Jane could juggle Plato, Bergson and William James, with one hand tied behind her.

The calves projected a high, full-throated barytone, with here and there a wailing tenor against the rumbling bass of their dams. And ever and again pealed distantly into the chorus the flute obbligato of an emotional coyote down on the flat. There was never a diminuendo. The fortissimo had been steadily maintained for three hours and would endure the night long, perhaps for two other nights.

Or, better, on another." She looked at him earnestly. "Have you ever sung to an obbligato?" "None of my songs, thus far, has called for one. An obbligato? Never so much honored. No, indeed. Why, to me it would seem almost like singing with an orchestra. Imagine a 'cello. Imagine a flute still I'm not a soprano going mad. Or imagine a saxophone; that might be droll."

So they would sit together and talk the foolish, charming nonsense that all lovers have talked since the days of Adam and Eve, whilst from above, the sun shone down and blessed them, and the waves, lapping peacefully on the shore, murmured an obbligato to their love-making.