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For him there was nothing but this oar, and all the jewelry that had been expended upon it had not made it anything but an oar. There was a curse upon it all.

Still it added to the interest of the trip; and dipping his oar in the water he set out at a slow, steady stroke well within his power. He adopted this partly in view of the length of the row before them, partly because the idea struck him that it might be as well that their passenger should not suspect that the boat was other than an ordinary gondola.

Two deer, a buck of the first head, and a doe, had taken water close beside him he had missed his first shot, and in toiling over-hard to recover lost ground, had broken his oar, and been compelled inactively to witness their escape. Three fat bucks made the total of the day's sport not one of which had fallen to Tom's boasted musket.

From a young yellow birch an oar took shape with marvelous rapidity, trimmed and smoothed with a neatness almost fastidious, no makeshift, but an instrument fitted for the delicate work it was to perform. A jack was make with equal skill and speed.

"As well as an oar," said I, "and perhaps a little grain better; for I haven't been down all the New Brunswick and Nova Scotia rivers in 'em for nothing, let alone Lake Michigan, George, Madawaska, and Rossignol, and I don't know how many others. Step in, and let us have at them on the water." In a minute the canoe was launched, and away we flew like lightning.

It was only wanting that, after all that already I had endured, I should become a galley-slave! "For twelve long years I toiled at an oar, and waited. If I lived I would return to England; and if I returned, woe unto those that had wrecked my life my body and my soul. I did live, and I did return.

She tossed her head and snapped her fingers under the nose of the captain of the Seamew. "So now, Tunis Latham! It is that you have waked up! Of a gr-r-reat smartness are you, eh?" she cried. "You scorn us all, and tr-r-reat us as you would dogs. Heh! All you shipmasters are alike. "But you we put the laugh on you, eh? That oar in your hand ha, ha! Do not lay the blame altogether upon your cousin.

Boats skimmed past; brisk sailors, by the help of vigorous strokes of the oar, strove to compete with the steam-packet, the dark smoke from which, like some demon, partly rested upon the vessel, partly floated away in the air. Various young students, among whom were also Wilhelm and Otto, landed at Charlottenlund, the most frequented place of resort near Copenhagen.

Keane's cook, was once pulling an oar in an Atuona boat, when they spied a stranger in a canoe with some fish and a piece of tapu. The Atuona men cried upon him to draw near and have a smoke. These he must needs answer, as he must needs draw at the unwelcome pipe, his heart the while drying in his bosom.

It was futile to hoist the sail and so they pulled the canvas over them as the heat became more intense. By noon, Jack was begging for water to lave his tongue but Joe Hawkridge laughed him to scorn and swore to hit him with an oar unless he changed his tune. Never in his life had Jack known the lack of food or drink and he therefore suffered cruelly.