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As speedily as if these visitors had been long expected, the servant brought in a tray bearing cups of syrupy coffee. Each of the guests accepted one. Whereafter the decorum of the occasion was shattered by Tim, who, at the imminent risk of scalding himself, gulped his refreshment and vociferated his satisfaction. "O-o-oh boy! That hits right where I live!

Be it a duke or a shoeblack, what do I care, hey? what do I care?" "O-o-oh!" sighed the gent who went by the name of Bill Tidd: a very pale young man, with a black riband round his neck instead of a handkerchief, and his collars turned down like Lord Byron. He was leaning against the mantelpiece, and with a pair of great green eyes ogling Miss Brough with all his might.

"'With a michnai ghignai " she began; but when the engine plunged over the summit and the matchless view to the westward came suddenly into, being, the quotation lapsed in a long-drawn, ecstatic "O-o-oh!" "You are not afraid, are you?" said the bridegroom, man-like, letting her feel the support of his arm. "Afraid? No, indeed; I am just happy happy!

"In glass jars down cellar, sir," replied Ruth, smartly. "I did help pick those and put them up last summer, in spite of all the running around we did." "Beg pardon, Miss Fielding," said Tom. "Go on. Tell us some more recipes. Makes my mouth water." "O-o-oh! so will these barberries!" exclaimed Helen, making a wry face. "Just taste one, Tommy." "Many, many thanks!

Reflecting that if his friend was bent upon official suicide, there was still no reason for his being, a witness to it, Penny turned aside into a telephone booth and called up Betty Sheridan. He heard her jump at the sound of his voice, and the rising breath of relief running into his name. "O-o-oh, Penny! Yes, about twenty minutes ago. Geneviève is with her.... Oh, yes, I'm sure."

A dismal grey oppressed the atmosphere, and an autumn chill. She could not eat, could only sniff despairingly and drink a cup of tea and wander to the fire and lay her forehead against the mantelpiece, which was cooling indeed, but without comfort. Its hard coldness was unbearable. Sally's arms crept up as a pillow. She stared downwards at the dead fire. "O-o-oh!" she groaned bitterly.

An' I'm goin' to see the lions an' the tigers an' the el'phants, an' I'm goin' to ride on the water-lake." "Oh, how I likes I should go too!" Eva broke out. O-o-oh, how I likes I should look on them things! On'y I don't know do I need a ride on somethings what hollers. I don't know be they fer me." "Well, I'll take ye with me if your mother leaves you go," said Patrick grandly.

I suppose you will take with you the elder Mistress Hamilton, to whom I understand you have long been plighted in marriage, or will you return for her?" "O-o-oh! Return for her, dear baron, return for her!" answered the count, shrugging his shoulders.

"I am alone, friend, alone. Quite alone. O-o-oh our sins. . . ." The watchman stumbles up against the man and stops. "How did you get here?" he asks. "I have lost my way, good man. I was walking to the Mitrievsky Mill and I lost my way." "Whew! Is this the road to Mitrievsky Mill? You sheepshead!

Now, almost at the outset, a whole morning had been consumed, and there was promise of a great deal more work in the future. There didn't seem to be anything seriously the matter with the boy. He felt bruised all over, that was all. "Where does it hurt the most?" "Around my back." "Here?" The doctor placed his hands firmly on either side of the patient's spine. "O-o-oh, don't!" he waited.