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And it was Sylvia who held his hand tight in her warm, living grasp; it was his wife whose arm was thrown around him, whose sobbing sighs shook his numbed frame from time to time. 'God bless and comfort my darling, he said to himself. 'She knows me now. All will be right in heaven in the light of God's mercy.

Nor was it till after a few enjoyments had numbed and blunted the sense of the smart, and given me to feel the titillating inspersion of balsamic sweets, drew from me the delicious return, and brought down all my passion, that I arrived at excess of pleasure through excess of pain.

If you were in France, everyone would be asking: will he come back or disappear altogether? or will he manifest himself henceforth in some new comedies, more joyous and pagan than ever?" I might as well have talked to the dead: he seemed numbed, hypnotised with despair. The punishment had already been greater than he could bear.

She saw him reel and fall through the open hatch of his cabin and his boat go drifting on into the crossing below. It occurred to her numbed brain that she was delivered from that peril, but as dusk fell she hated the misery of her loneliness. The Ohio had the Mississippi eddied.

He had lived to the limit of all experiences which a coyote can pass through and still survive. He had even known the crushing grip of a double-spring trap, a Newhouse four. This misadventure had occurred in midwinter when the range was gripped by bitter frost. The cold had numbed the pain and congealed the flesh to solid ice.

Now that no further action was possible, Elizabeth sat with her hands clasped, her teeth set, and her eyes looking into vacancy, numbed beyond words, asking no questions and making no complaints. Silas's heart beat with an anguish of sympathy.

London, perhaps from her numbed state of misery, had said nothing to Halcyone. It remained in her memory as a nightmare, the scene of the confirmation of her winter of the soul. Its inhabitants were ghosts, the young men jolly, hearty, young fellows from the Stock Exchange, and rising Radical politicians whom she had met went from her record of things as so many shadows.

He threw up his hand, reeled for a moment on his feet, and collapsed upon the floor. "Annabel;" he moaned. "You have killed me. My wife killed me." With a little crash the pistol fell from her shaking fingers. She stood looking down upon him with dilated eyes. Her faculties seemed for a moment numbed. She could not realize what she saw. Surely it was a dream.

"But," he told Lloyd as he bade her good-bye, "I don't need to impress upon you the need of care and the greatest vigilance; absolute rest is the only thing; she must see nobody, not even her father. The whole system is numbed and deadened just yet, but there will be a change either for better or worse some time to-night."

Fritz his animal passion for her his horror of her now Miss Schley their petty, concealed strife Rupert Carey's love Leo Ulford's desire of conquest his father's strange, pathetic devotion Winter falling at the feet of Spring figures and events from the panorama of her life now ended flickered through her almost numbed mind, while the tears still ran down her face. And Robin Pierce?