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Ah, those were days! Dieu why couldn't the republic have continued those glories ces gloires? Aujourd'hui nous ne sommes que des morts instead of prisoners to handle to watch and work, like so many good machines there is only the dike yonder to keep in repair! What changes mon Dieu! what changes!" And the shape wrung his hands. It was, in truth, a touching spectacle of grief for a good old past.

He was always pleased to see among the number the Minister of Foreign Affairs, especially since the portfolio of that department had been entrusted to the hands of M. de Talleyrand. At midnight, and often sooner, he gave the signal for retiring by saying in a hasty manner, "Allons nous coucher."

In their tinkling service of worshipping the elevated host as the very God himself, they fall down also in adoration to the Virgin Mary, addressing her, as "Reine des Cieux! Intercedez pour nous, Mère de Dieu!" and proudly arrogate to the Church of Rome, the absolute interpretation of Scripture; forbidding the people to examine whether she does it rightly or not.

When the priests reached the door of the barrack-yard, they again turned to utter their thanks to the major, and entreat him once more, "not to come a step farther. There now, major, we know the path well, so just give us the pass, and don't stay out in the night air." "Ah oui, Monsieur Jones," said the Abbe, "retournez, je vous prie. We are, I must say, chez nous.

"But time is flying, the minutes are going by, and not only the minutes. There is an old and charming. French ode, which you do not know and which begins: 'Le temps s'en va, le temps s'en va, Madame. Las, le temps? Non. Mais nous nous en allons."

As the boat was drifting fast by, Newton made a spring, and gained the deck of the vessel. "Ah! mon Dieu! les Anglais les Anglais nous sommes prisonniers!" cried out the only man on deck, jumping on his feet, and making a precipitate dive below.

Scudder was around, with an air as provident and forbidding as that of a sitting hen who watches her nest; nor was it till after all things had been cleared away in the house, and Mary had gone up into her little attic to spin, that the long-sought opportunity came of diving to the bottom of this mystery. "Enfin, Marie, nous voici!

Could he but write of him in his own style supposing him to have a style he would have been in danger of producing a sensible book, and nous autres would have lost one delight; but it is the perfection of comedy to see the apocalyptic trio Emerson stepping off grandly and gladly into the clouds Thoreau, his principal disciple, following with a good imitation of the gait, but with evident self-consciousness and finally Mr.

And he goes on to remark that in the working out of his theory of nature Empedocles, though using his originative principles more consistently than Anaxagoras used his principle of Nous or Thought, not infrequently, nevertheless, resorts to some natural force in the elements themselves, or even to chance or necessity.

One could have tossed a biscuit on the stone wharfs where the workmen, crouching over their tasks, straightened up at sight of us and cheered. And one cried out hoarsely, "Vous venez nous sauver, vous Americains" "You come to save us" an exclamation I was to hear again in the days that followed.