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And then this friend of the people, this exposer of abuses and champion of virtue, turned and justly scored the sensational press for prying into the present life of one of the first families in the country. This casual announcement was intended to draw away attention from the Fifth Avenue house, and to notify the roughs that it would be useless to lay any plans.

Do I understand that John Blackmore was the only person who knew that Jeffrey was in residence at New Inn?" "The only one of his private friends. His bankers knew and so did the officials from whom he drew his pension." "Of course he would have to notify his bankers of his change of address."

"I am sure his excellency will soon ring the bell." "Ring the bell?" asked Gentz, uneasily, "for whom?" "Why, for myself, in order to notify me to admit you, Mr. Counsellor."

His disappearance would mean nothing to his small circle of casual friends, and when he was settled elsewhere he could notify the only two men who were concerned with his whereabouts his valet, Valois, and the agent handling the estate. He thought of beginning a letter to John, but hesitated, and when Enright returned he found him with pen in hand. "A trifling task," the attorney smiled easily.

Sal Karone had not repeated his invitation that the Terrans visit the Id communities, but he showed no adverse reaction when Cameron said they would like to take him up on his previous offer. "You will be very welcome," he said. A soft smile lightened his features. "I will notify my leaders you will come."

"I shall notify my friend, when we reach Doppelkinn, that I am without funds, and he will telegraph to Dresden." "Your friends were very wise in sending you away as they did. Aren't you always getting into trouble?" "Yes. But I doubt the wisdom of my friends in sending me away as they did," with a frank glance into her eyes. How beautiful they were, now that the sparkle of mischief had left them!

Trevor, with some hesitation, "before we take any steps, that is, notify the police." "Notify the police!" cried my client, his face red with a generous anger. "I have never yet turned a guest over to the police," he said proudly, "and won't, not if I know it. I'm not that kind." Who shall criticise Mr. Cooke's code of morality?

He and his partner had found the pay-streak finally, and he had come to notify her that it gave promise of being very rich, and now that its location was demonstrated, no doubt the other "laymen" would have it within a fortnight.

In order to notify their appearance at dinner, it is the custom of the gentlemen who eat in the Upper Temple Hall to write down their names upon slips of paper, which are provided for that purpose, with a pencil for each mess. Lowton wrote his name first, then came Arthur Pendennis, and the next was that of the gentleman in the old clothes. He smiled when he saw Pen's name, and looked at him.

"Ah!" cried Aouda, pressing his hand to her heart. Passepartout was summoned and appeared immediately. Mr. Fogg still held Aouda's hand in his own; Passepartout understood, and his big, round face became as radiant as the tropical sun at its zenith. Mr. Fogg asked him if it was not too late to notify the Reverend Samuel Wilson, of Marylebone parish, that evening.