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InSebaldus Nothankerthe Revelation of St. John is a Sterne-like hobby-horse and is so regarded by a reviewer in the Magazin der deutschen Critik. Schottenius in Knigge’sReise nach Braunschweigrides his hobby in the shape of his fifty-seven sermons. Lessing uses the Steckenpferd in a letter to Mendelssohn, November 5, 1768 (Lachmann edition, XII, p.

Hettner, with fine insight, points to the introduction toSebaldus Nothankeras exhibiting the characteristic of this epoch of fiction. Speculation was the hero’s world, and in speculation lay for him the important things of life; he knew not the real world, hence speculation concerning it was his occupation.

This pernicious influence of the English master is exemplified by Wegener’sRaritäten, ein hinterlassenes Werk des Küsters von Rummelsberg.” The first volume is dedicated toSebaldus Nothanker,” and the long document claims for the author unusual distinction, in thus foregoing the possibility of reward or favor, since he dedicates his book to a fictitious personage.