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To calculate from this notch would not be correct, as it would be more than the diameter of the cask that is, in reference to what it would contain but I had no intention of doing so. I should make allowance for the thickness of the stave, and that would give me the measurement I wanted. Having made my mark, I drew forth my measuring-rod, piece by piece, as it had been plunged in.

But imagine my dismay when, by neglect not to notch the tree-trunks as I passed them, I discovered I did not know in what direction our camp lay. "Are we lost?" asked the boy, in an anxious tone. "We have gone too far," said I to the lad; "and perhaps we shall not be able to get back to the 'Palm-tree Villa' this evening. I am going to fire off my gun to attract l'Encuerado's attention."

She dried them quickly, however, and set another notch to her score with Courtrey. It was then that the waiting game ceased abruptly. Tharon, riding on El Rey, went in to Corvan. She tied the horse at the Court House steps and went boldly in to the sheriff's office. Behind her were Billy, like her shadow, and the sane and quiet Conford. Steptoe Service, fat and important, was busy at his desk.

"No, by my hilts!" roared Sir Hokus, and setting his foot in a notch of the beanstalk, he cut with his sword the rope that bound him to the parasol. "Put the parasol down half way, and I'll climb ahead and cut an opening." With great difficulty Dorothy partially lowered the parasol, and instantly their speed diminished.

A slender stick, long enough to reach and catch beneath the notch in the spindle should now be fastened to the lid and the trap is complete. It may be baited with cheese, bread, and the like, and if set for squirrels, an apple answers every purpose.

Catching the missile lightly on his shield, Mahommed shouted back: "Allah-il-Allah!" and sent a shaft in return. The exchange continued some minutes. In truth, the Count was not a little proud of the enemy's performance. If there was any weakness on his part, if his clutch of the notch at the instant of drawing the string was a trifle light, the fault was chargeable to a passing memory.

When the boys at last reached the notch in the mountains and left the railroad-track, they found the way almost as dry as a village street. Years before, the timber had been cut from Stone Mountain, and a logging trail had passed up the very gap through which the boys were now traveling.

At San Antonio the two trails came together in the form of the letter V, and in the notch thus formed stood the Franciscan Mission, commonly called the Alamo, which means the cottonwood-tree. Of this mission, which was to be so bravely defended, we will soon learn many interesting details.

Honest value was ever my motto." "And the motto of my brother who is sick with the fever. I will go to him and say, 'I met the most respectable-looking man in all Europe, who put a value on your can because of the diamond notch. I will pay into his hands the one-and-six which is its price."

A trapper rode in this morning and spoke of the awful blizzard that hit Top Notch Trail. Of course, we knew you couldn't find that or we'd have been still more worried!" The girls looked at each other and laughed aloud. Mrs. Brewster shrewdly guessed the truth. "Did you find it? And where under the sun did you hide during that awful storm?" cried she, anxiously.