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My Sampler is more perfectly Evil than ever, but I have completed the Alphabet and I danced on it, which Miss Bidwell said was Outrageous naughty, but my temper Felt calmed afterward. It has taken four Days to write this, farewell, from your lonesome little sister, "Nota Bene. I send my Love to You know Who." There were others of the Verplanck household who slept late that morning.

Barry," said Barradas. "I know my duty, and don't want to be told about it." He spoke sullenly, but more at the captain than to Barry. "Of coursa nota," broke in the Greek with an amiable smile "of coursa we will nota meddle with the men; we are alla gooda comrade, thanka the gooda Goda."

It then adds that the glass mirrors are made of a sheet of glass whose two surfaces are well polished, one of them having applied to it an amalgam of tin, nota bene, an amalgam of tin! Is that true?" "If the book says so, Padre." "Is tin a metal?" "It seems so, Padre. The book says so." "It is, it is, and the word amalgam means that it is compounded with mercury, which is also a metal.

Epitaphia clarissimarum mulierum que virtute: arte: aut aliqua nota claruerunt. Codex Hartmann Schedel in the State Library of Munich. After the surrender of the remnant of the French forces in the fall of 1496, Giovanni Sforza returned from Naples.

But the investiture of the lily of Florence with scarlet is a symbol, unintentional, observe, but not the less notable, of the recovery of human sense and intelligence in this matter. The reign of war was past; this was the sign of it; the red glow, not now of the Towers of Dis, but of the Carita, "che appena fora dentro al fuoco nota."

But you say nothing, friend Tom, of Goethe, and Tieck, and Schlegel, and La Martine, Chateaubriant, Hugo, Delavigne, Mickiewicz, Nota, Manzoni, Niccolini, &c. &c. &c. &c. &c. &c." Honest, well-meaning Mr.

"Total, I have given the university the benefit of my brains; and the university, not having brains enough to see what it gains by the exchange, turns again and rends me, like an animal frequently mentioned in Scripture; but, nota bene, never once with approbation." And the afflicted Rhetorician attempted a diabolical grin, but failed signally; and groaned instead.

Quæst., and he specifies some of the kinds of wood known by the shepherds to be fit for the purpose, "sicut lauris, hederæ, et alia in hunc usum nota pastoribus." This is noticed by Mr Jones, who gives it as his opinion that the lauris, here spoken of, is the bay-tree, which, according to the poet Lucretius, is remarkable for its inflammability.

Nota bene half-past six is the better hour; waters are extremely flooded. Lord Meadowbank at the Circuit. Nothing tried but a few trumpery assaults. Meadowbank announces he will breakfast with me to-morrow, so I shall return to-night.

Fortunate senex! hic inter flumina nota, Et fontes sacros, frigus captabis opacum. Hinc tibi, quae semper vicino ab limite sepes, Hyblaeis apibus florem depasta salicti, Saepe levi somnum suadebit inire susurro. Hinc alta sub rupe canet frondator ad auras. Nec tamen interea raucae, tua cura, palumbes, Nec gemere aeria cessabit turtur ab ulmo. Ec. i. 47.