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Jumping up with a start, he beheld a crowd of people watching him, men in Sunday coats, men in shirt sleeves, ladies in light dresses, boys in knickerbockers and Norfolks, girls in pinafores, Chinamen in coats of many colours, many of the throng holding torches and lanterns. "Ah! mille diables!" he cried. "Keep back! This is not a penny theatre."

An officer near me shouted, "Now, men! Follow me!" and clambered over the parapet. There was no hesitation. In a moment the trench was empty save for the bomb-carrying parties and an artillery observation officer, who was jumping up and down on the firing-bench, shouting "Go it, the Norfolks! Go it, the Norfolks! My God! Isn't it fine! Isn't it splendid!"

To the rear Count Gleichen commanded the Norfolks, Bedfords, Cheshires, and Dorsets. On the left of the Second Corps was stationed General Allenby's cavalry. In passing we may note that the commander in chief of the British forces was a cavalry officer, the commander of the First Army Corps a cavalry officer, and that the cavalry was in comparatively ample force.

But this gentleman summed up in his own person "all the blood of all the Howards," and recalled his ancestors great and small the poet Earl of Surrey, those Norfolks to whom Mary Tudor and Mary Stuart were alike fatal, and that Dicky or Dickon of Norfolk who lent a humorous strain to the tragic tendency of the race. The Ministers and Foreign Ambassadors came singly or in groups.

'I found them the Sunday after, when I was feeling in your Norfolks for the knife you borrowed off me. But I thought you'd only sneaked them for Chinese lanterns, or reading in bed by. 'Bobs, said Anthea, suddenly, 'do you know where we are? This is the underground passage, and look there there's the money and the money-bags, and everything.

On the 25th September an attack was timed for twelve o'clock noon for Morval and Lesboeufs, and the Guards, London Scottish, Norfolks, Suffolks and many other regiments were to take part. The day before I visited our front in that section to obtain preliminary scenes. The London Scottish were preparing to leave to take up their battle positions.

Will the parents, shut in from coming to them by my Lord of Norfolks men, ever forget their agonies, I ask your Grace?" Henry's face grew red with passion. "If Norfolk thinks to act the King, and turn the city into a shambles," with a mighty oath "he shall abye it. Here, Lord Cardinal more, let the free pardon be drawn up for the two lads.

'It really IS a giant, she said. 'He's a giant little boy in Norfolks like my brother's there. And we didn't bring him up to the Fair because people do stare so, and they seem to go into kind of standing-up fits when they see him.

And that his manners there as elsewhere must have been familiar is illustrated by the fact that one of the waiters addressed an epistle to him in the following terms: "Sam, the waiter at the Cocoa-Tree, presents his compliments to the Prince of Wales." The rebuke was characteristic: "You see, Sam, this may be very well between you and me, but it would never do with the Norfolks and Arundels!"

The swell tourists are much swollen with travel; they loosen the belts of their Norfolks, and at intervals affect a languid interest in this mundane sphere. There are delightful people on board many of them and not a few others. There are bevies of girls all young, all pretty; and all, or nearly all, bubbling over with hearty and wholesome laughter. What richness!