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An hour later when the unhappy master of the house had for the last time attended his friend to the hall-door, watched him down the steps into the quiet street, given a silent nod to the other's silent gesture of farewell as he turned to walk down the echoing pavement; when he had put out the gas in the sitting-room and hall, and dragged himself who can divine with what heaviness of heart? heavily up the stairs, he came upon a little white night-gowned figure, watching for him on the landing, outside his bedroom door.

Andreas greeted him with a proud nod of the head. "Well, then," he said, "I am Andreas Hofer, late commander-in-chief of the Tyrolese. I ask for quarter and good treatment." "I cannot promise any thing to a rebel," replied the officer, contemptuously. "But you have come to seize me, and none but me," continued Andreas, in a gentle voice. "Well, then, here I am; do with me as you please.

If I came as often as I wanted you'd be for turning me out," with a nod to Krok, who replied with a cheerful smile, and went to the fire. "You know better. Your welcome always waits you. What's in the wind now?" "Phil wants to go privateering," said my mother. "And George has come to help him." "Ah, I expected it would come to that," said my grandfather quietly.

"She will not sink, Dale," said the mate, quietly; and as a feeling of confidence on that question made me feel better, the fire suddenly flamed up in one place, burning briskly with a good deal of crackling and sputtering, making me feel doubtful of the ship's stability on that side. Mr Brymer gave me a nod, meant for encouragement, as he went on

I should think he could find something better to do with his time than hanging around here. For two weeks I haven't been able to sit on this porch for five minutes without having him under my feet! What's the sense of his coming so often?" Miss Lady caught him by the ears, and turned his irate face up to her own. "He comes to see me!" she announced, emphasizing each word with a nod.

A spark of hope burned in the slant eyes of Jasper. "Otherwise I can go find another gent to do my shoein'?" inquired Buck. "It looks that way," replied the blacksmith with a nod.

It was Conniston's turn to nod his head, slowly and thoughtfully. "Yes, of course," he agreed. "They're hunting you hard, and you're giving 'em a bully chase. But they'll get you, even up there. And I'm sorry." Their hands unclasped. Conniston filled his pipe and lighted it. Keith noticed that he held the lighted taper without a tremor. The nerve of the man was magnificent.

Hebblethwaite, with a little nod, unrolled it and glanced towards the Duchess, who bowed complacently. With the smile still upon his lips, a confident light in his eyes, Mr. Hebblethwaite held out the crumpled piece of paper before him and read the hurriedly scrawled pencil lines: "Germany has declared war against Russia and presented an ultimatum to France. I have other messages." Mr.

"We've prospered, 'ain't we, Maria?" he said, at last; and his wife, unconsciously following his thoughts, in the manner of those who have lived long together, stroked her black silk visite, and answered, with a well-satisfied nod: "I guess we 'ain't got no cause to complain." The roadside was parched under an August sun; tansy was dust-covered, and ferns had grown ragged and gray.

In forming this committee the wise men of the town ignored Mr. Peabody, and he might have been left off completely had he not stepped in and appointed himself chairman. The five good men and true descended upon the marshal late in the afternoon, half fearful of the result, but resolute. They found him slowly emerging from his spell of lassitude. He greeted them with a solemn nod of the head.