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In fact, I went into the Widderstone in the evening to look for you, knowing your nocturnal habits.... She glanced again at him with a kind of shy anxiety. 'Why why is your brother so why does he let me bore him so horribly? 'Does he? He's tremendously interested; but then, he's pretty easily interested when he's interested at all.

This instance of taming to a certain extent might, perhaps, be more frequently repeated, if bats were objects of more general interest. There is a tribe of animals constantly around our country habitations, of underground and nocturnal habits, some of which become torpid in winter.

And as Rowland looked along the arch of silvered shadow and out into the lucid air of the American night, which seemed so doubly vast, somehow, and strange and nocturnal, he felt like declaring that here was beauty too beauty sufficient for an artist not to starve upon it.

Nor had it faded away when they had crossed the bridge and were nearing the shores of the lake, for an idea once conceived lingered long in Agne's mind; and as she walked on in the bright glory of the morning's sun her mind's eye was fixed on a nocturnal scene on the full moon, high in the sky on the overthrow of the great idol and a glittering army among the marble ruins of the Serapeum.

He was pink from his morning bath, he was wearing a cheerful green-and-blue silk dressing gown, he had shaved already, he showed no trace of his nocturnal vigil. In the bathroom he had whistled like a bird. "Had a good night?" he said. "That's famous. So did I. And the wrist and arm didn't even ache enough to keep you awake?" "I thought I heard you talking and walking about," said Mr. Direck.

All the creatures, frogs and toads, those nocturnal singers of the marsh, were silent. Suddenly a frog croaked to my right, and close beside me. I shuddered. It ceased, and I heard nothing more, and resolved to smoke, to soothe my mind. But, although I was a noted colorer of pipes, I could not smoke; at the second draw I was nauseated, and gave up trying. I began to sing.

So much for the men, and far too much, if you ask me, when you think that we still have the adorable women to speak of. Ever since our first nocturnal glimpse of the charming creatures you can imagine that my companions and I were most eager to see more of them. During the entire next day not one of "les belles sauvages" was visible.

In this bold nocturnal light the interior of the houses lay inscrutable, one lump of blackness, save when the moon glinted under the roof, and made a belt of silver, and drew the slanting shadows of the pillars on the floor.

He fired. Presently there was a noise of opening windows, and the nocturnal head-dresses of Rockland flowered out of them like so many developments of the Nightblooming Cereus. White cotton caps and red bandanna handkerchiefs were the prevailing forms of efflorescence. The main point was that the village was waked up.

Nor had it faded away when they had crossed the bridge and were nearing the shores of the lake, for an idea once conceived lingered long in Agne's mind; and as she walked on in the bright glory of the morning's sun her mind's eye was fixed on a nocturnal scene on the full moon, high in the sky on the overthrow of the great idol and a glittering army among the marble ruins of the Serapeum.