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That is his religion; or, it may be, his mere scepticism and no-religion: the manner it is in which he feels himself to be spiritually related to the Unseen World or No-World; and I say, if you tell me what that is, you tell me to a very great extent what the man is, what the kind of things he will do is. Of a man or of a nation we inquire, therefore, first of all, What religion they had?

I have seen by means of it much more clearly into the workings of Protestantism, its want of deep spirituality, its superficiality, and its inevitable tendency to no-religion." As may be supposed, his visits to Third Street became frequent, and his acquaintance with the Fathers better established.

A tall monk, whose cowl partly concealed his pale, but resolute features, stood at my side one of those heroes who, for the love of Christ, came forth at that terrible time and faced the pestilence fearlessly, where the blatant boasters of no-religion scurried away like frightened hares from the very scent of danger. I greeted him with an obeisance, and explained my errand.

If the religious foundation offered by the teacher proves no foundation, proves a mere meaningless excrescence upon the time-table, then a religion will be sought and found elsewhere, even though it be, as is most likely, a religion such as is generally classed as no-religion, mere worship, as Ruskin called it, of Britannia Agoraia, Britannia of the Market Place, the Goddess of Getting-on.

"And that's one o' the things I ain't heard you cuss out the hypocrites once since you got back. Have you gone back on the Dutchman and his argyment?" "Bauer, you mean? no; only on the nullifying part of it. Bauer's no-religion doctrine is a doctrine of denial, and it's pure theory.