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We sot there talkin & larfin until "the switchin hour of nite, when grave yards yawn & Josts troop 4th," as old Bill Shakespire aptlee obsarves in his dramy of John Sheppard, esq, or the Moral House Breaker, when we broke up & disbursed. Muther & children is a doin well & as Resolushuns is the order of the day I will feel obleeged if you'll insurt the follerin

I thot I saw Otheller before me all the time he was actin &, when the curtin fell, I found my spectacles was still mistened with salt-water, which had run from my eyes while poor Desdemony was dyin. Betsy Jane Betsy Jane! let us pray that our domestic bliss may never be busted up by a Iago! Edwin Forrest makes money actin out on the stage. He gits five hundred dollars a nite & his board & washin.

Just then a suddent thawt struck me & I sed, "Oh yure the fellers who air worryin the Prince so & givin the Juke of Noocastle cold sweats at nite, by yure infernal catawalins, air you?

And when she calculated and laid out to make out her visit and go, wuz more than we could tell. For two weeks had passed away like a nite mair of the nite and three weeks, and four weeks and she didn't seem to be no nigher goin' than she did when she came.

Jan. 24. clowdy. my sled is most dry enuf to use. Jan. 25. it misted last nite and frose and today everything was covered with ice it was fun to see people fall down. most everybody fell down. i went sliding on spring street. Jan. 26. cold as time. i went to school. we are going over colburns in revew and so i can keep up. Jan. 27.

Rode Nellie this noon. i have to go to the half past five train every nite for father. i like to drive but i dont like to go every nite. June 14.

Wy, he neva wood low me to go barfooted, caus he wuz afraid I'd stick thorns in my feet, an if he eva caut me barfooted, he sho wod make my back tell it. Wen he lef me in Paducah, his neffu took me over to my ant, Rose Scruggs to stay all nite wid her. Nex day I walked wid my cousin to Mayfield, carryin two toe sacks uv cloes dat my Good Ole Boss give me wen he lef me in Paducah.

If I was I spose I should holler versiffrusly in the streets at nite and go home to Betsy Jane smellen of coal ile and gin, in the mornin. I should go to the Poles arly. I should stay there all day. I should see to it that my nabers was thar. I should git carriges to take the kripples, the infirm and the indignant thar. I should be on guard agin frauds and sich.

Ah use ter love ter fish. Spunt er many a nite campin and fishin. An playin marbles wuz a wonderful game in mah days yo knows. Fokes wuzen so wile den. "Ah recollect one night we went coon huntin and de boys wuz wanderin roun and got lost.

Aug. 29. brite and fair. i am wrighting this in the morning becaus i shall be to bizzy tonite to wright ennything. i bet me and Beany will have sum fun. last nite father said they was a tiger got out of a circus and he kind of thougt it was somewhere in the Eddy woods. i aint afrade. Beany aint neether.