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But once when she and Antipa and I were seated gossiping at the entrance-gates, and I inquired of her whether Nilushka's father were still surviving, she replied in a careless way: "He is so, damn him!" "Then who is he?" Felitzata, as usual, licked her faded, but still comely, lips with the tip of her tongue before she replied: "A monk." "Ah!" Vologonov exclaimed with unexpected animation.

"That, then, explains things. At all events, we have in it an intelligible THEORY of things." Whereafter, he expounded to us at length, and with no sparing of details, the reason why a monk should have been Nilushka's father rather than either the merchant or the young "survey student."

Whereupon Nilushka glanced fearfully at the mysteriously pointing finger, and, plucking sharply at his forehead, shoulders, and stomach with two fingers and a thumb, intoned in thin, plaintive accents: "Our Father in Heaven " "WHICH ART in Heaven." "Yes, in the Heaven of Heavens." "Ah, well! God will understand. Again, great was Nilushka's interest in anything spherical.

Also, anything circular for example, a plate or the wheel of a toy, engaged Nilushka's attention and led him to caress it as eagerly as he did globes and balls. Evidently the rotundity of the object was the point that excited his interest. And as he turned the object over and over, and felt the flat part of it, he would mutter: "But what about the other one?"