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Spreading consists in holding them in the proper position by means of tiny bits of glass and pins until they are dry. As moths are, as a rule, night-flying creatures the collector will either obtain them in a larval stage, or will adopt the method of "sugaring," one of the most fascinating branches of nature study.

At sunset they are seen issuing from their diurnal retreats to roam through the twilight in search of crepuscular insects, and as night approaches and the lights in the rooms attract the night-flying lepidoptera, the bats sweep round the dinner-table and carry off their tiny prey within the glitter of the lamps.

"No, of course not," said Ned, a bit shortly. "I I had a bad dream, that was all. All right now." "For that I am glad. Try to get all the sleep you can, for we must start early to avoid the heat of the day," and there was the sound of the guide leaving and arranging the folds of the mosquito net behind him to keep out the night-flying insects.

The Government-improved airways now exceed 25,000 miles more than 14,000 miles of which will be lighted and equipped for night-flying operations by the close of the current year. Airport construction through all the States is extremely active. There are now 1,000 commercial and municipal airports in operation with an additional 1,200 proposed for early development.

In this country, at any rate, we associate the V-shaped companies of wigeon and gaggles of geese with an ice-bound landscape, though in exceptional years, even where they no longer stay to breed, these night-flying northerners linger to the coming of spring, and Hawker noticed the curious apparition of grey geese and swallows in company on the first day of April, 1839.

Now, to begin with, we see natural sections which adopt as their prey different species of one and the same order, in one and the same group. Thus the Ammophilae hunt exclusively the larvae of the night-flying Moths. This taste is shared by the Eumenes, a very different genus. "The Mason-wasps" by J. Henri Fabre, translated by Alexander Teixeira de Mattos: chapter 1. Cf.

The table had been carried out under the trees, and here in the early morning they had their breakfast. Here also, they had their supper if it was ready before dark and there were no lights to attract the myriads of night-flying insects.

It is only seen at night, and I think does not wander far from its den; the gallery is about two inches in diameter and runs in a slanting direction, about two feet from the surface of the soil. As soon as it is night, swarms of goatsuckers suddenly make their appearance, wheeling about in a noiseless, ghostly manner, in chase of night-flying insects.

"I think you would better go to bed again, Pratt," she said. "You you saw nothing in the court?" "No. But I thought I heard a big bird overhead when I was splashing the water about out there. Imagination, of course," he added. "There are no big night-flying birds out here on the plains?" "Not that I know of," returned she. "I made some noise. I didn't know what it was I scared up.

Winged with darkness, it stole back; not the soul of meaning that had gone, but a witch-like and brooding spirit harbouring in the black trees, in the high dark spears of the rushes, and on the grim-snouted snags that lurked along the river bank. Then the owls came out, and night-flying things.