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I want to look at this automobile.... Yes, I know it is the sixth machine I've walked around in seven blocks, but what's time to a New Yorker on Saturday afternoon? This nifty little mile-eater has an electric gear shift, and I want to ask the chauffeur how he likes it. Promised Ad Summers I would. ... Says it hangs a little if his voltage is low.

Then up comes Vee, lookin' as fresh and nifty as if she was just steppin' out on the Avenue; and before I can duck behind anything she's spotted me. "Why, Torchy," says she, "you don't mean to say you're feeling badly already! Or is it because you're leaving New York?" Then I saw my alibi. I sighs and gazes mushy hack towards the land.

I'm about as hard-headed a puncher as ever straddled leather an' I've had to use my guns purty considerable, but I reckons if any decent marshal asked me to cache them in a decent way, why, I'd do it. An' let me brand somethin' on yore mind I've heard of Smith of Buffalo, an' he's mighty nifty with his hands.

"We'll let them go right ahead, and in the meantime the Bulletin will do a lot of real nifty old sleuthing." But the Bulletin's sleuthing brought nothing wrong to light, and work upon the big waterworks contract was begun with a rush. In the meantime Agnes, true to her threat, was doing some investigating on her own account.

And a fine, new pair of shoes. "You sure look nifty," commented Locker, who himself waited on me. Then I went to a bookstore and plunged recklessly, purchasing Gosse and Garnett's Illustrated History of English Literature, in four volumes, an expensive set.

"It would be just like your beastly luck to win it," said Jimmy. "There won't be much luck about this, I guess," said Joe. "By the time the judges get through picking the winner, the chances are it will take a pretty nifty set to pull down first prize or second, either, for that matter," he added. "There's a lot of fellows trying for it, I hear."

"Yes, I call you a mighty nifty cook, Ossie. I've eaten your biscuits more than once. Flapjacks, too." "Well," said Joe politely, "camp cooking is um different, I guess, from regular cooking. Of course, I don't say Ossie couldn't do it, mind you, but we wouldn't want to take chances. On the whole, I think it would be best to have a regular cook."

Of course, he was old and sick, and there was plenty of excuse for him to slop down along towards the last. Now, listen! My idea is to get a nifty bungalow out there handy to the studios, and both of us to go into pictures. We can get a car; what I want is a speedy, sassy little boat that can travel. Well, and listen. We'll have plenty to live on till we both land in stock.

His wise surgeon's-hands stroked her shoulder, and her irritation at his clumsiness was lost in his strength. From the Weekly Dauntless: One of the most delightful social events of recent months was held Wednesday evening in the housewarming of Dr. and Mrs. Kennicott, who have completely redecorated their charming home on Poplar Street, and is now extremely nifty in modern color scheme.

I use ter dress pretty nifty, if I do say it. But that was a long time ago, a long time ago. "No. Never mind 'em now. I'll wash the hull kit an' bilin' of 'em up after supper. No use in takin' two bites to a cherry," she added, referring to the dishes in the sink. Janice climbed the stairs to her room, carefully stepping over the broken tread.