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"I want you to tail Old Man Curry from now until the barrier goes up, understand? Yes, yes, you told me the horse bled this morning, but that old fox has got the miracle habit; I'd hate to give him too long a price on a dead horse, understand, Mac? If Curry is going to bet a plugged nickel on this here Jeremiah, I'll hold him out and not take a cent on him.

"I, William Henry Hayes, master and owner of the brig Leonora, of Shanghai, hereby notify all and sundry that the barque Agostino Rombo, of Leghorn, as she now lies on this reef, has been purchased by me from Captain Pasquale Lucchesi, and any person attempting to remove any of her deck-houses, spars, anchors, or cables, or certain nickel ore in the lower hold, are liable to be indicted for piracy.

"Is that all?" complained Norman. "I'll bet a nickel you had dinner at the Alberta!" "All but this," went on Roy, and he began unbuttoning the front of his flannel shirt. "It feels kind of soft." While Norman watched him, he extracted a greasy bag, flat and crumpled, and tore it open to expose what was left of an originally fine hot raisin pie. His companion turned up his nose in disgust.

"Let's take in all the nickel shows, and then see if we can't drown our sorrows in er " Emma McChesney slipped a coin under her plate, crumpled her napkin, folded her arms on the table, and regarded the boy across the way with what our best talent calls a long, level look.

And as he reached the float, the front windows on the hillock broke out yellow, pale blurs in the smoky night. "Well, say," Barlow pointed. "I bet a nickel Jack's home. See? Nobody but him would be in the house." "I'll go up," Stella said. "All right, I guess you know the path better'n I do," Barlow said. "I'll take the Bug around into the bay." Stella ran up the path.

Pulling out a large nickel watch and observing that they had just time to catch the train, he locked up his shop, and they set out together for the station. Mr. Tiernan led the way, for the path was narrow. The dry snow squeaked under his feet.

Of the first batch a dozen fell and began crawling and staggering away; but the next lot, although they ran and halted at first like dazed men under the sleet of nickel, rapidly became more cunning.

And I reached for my purse, and for one wild moment I thought sure he had called my bluff and would really take my only nickel, my carfare home. I nearly fell over with suspense, but in the nick of time he went out, refusing my money. And I even taunted him, asked him if he thought it was tainted! "When the beer came, I drank most of it.

And every stroke slashed that armour in such great holes that I think the axe that did it must indeed have been of Star, or nickel steel, and of itself a gift for a King! For many a day Ulf dwelt with the King, and even sailed to Denmark with him for a space.

And harder to get over, too, in a country where there were really no doctors that were worth a damaged nickel.