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Mds. sean servidos de ó mandar á la dicha universidad que no innove cosa alguna acerca de la dicha cátreda, ni de otra cosa que me toque hasta que Vs. Mds. La una es sobre la cátedra del maestro Barrientos, en la cual mandan Vs.

I took up a volume of La Rochefoucauld, which was lying on the table near grandmamma's copy and I chanced to open it at this maxim: "On n'est jamais si heureux ni si malheureux qu'on s'imagine."

"Dame, lucky for her the Sieur died before he had chance to change his will. She'd have got ni fiche ni bran from him." "Support d'en haut, if you don't stop that I'll give you a coffin before your time, keg of nails you. Sorrow and prayer at the throne of grace that she may have a contrite heart" he clutched the funeral bill tighter in his fingers "is what we must feel for her.

"Old Erh," he therefore observed aloud with a smile, "you're really a fine fellow, and as you've shown me such eminent consideration, how can I presume not to accept your offer! On my return home, I'll write the customary I.O.U., and send it to you, and all will be in order." Ni Erh gave a broad grin.

The same fiction was extended by the early Arabian travellers to the rhinoceros, and in the MS. of the voyages of the "Two Mahometans" it is stated that the rhinoceros of Sumatra "n'a point d'articulation au genou ni

"Il n'entre, ou gist, n'escler ni tourbillon." Above all, he was levered with envy and anger at the freedom of others; and his heart flowed over into curses as he thought of Thibault d'Aussigny, walking the streets in God's sunlight, and blessing people with extended fingers. So much we find sharply lined in his own poems.

Tenemos que procurar a la mujer nuevos objetivos en la vida, otras ocupaciones elevadas para que pruebe su aptitud y de esta manera todo eso que se señala como defectuoso y deforme en su carácter y educación se eliminará en un ambiente de libertad y publicidad, donde sin miedo ni piedad se puedan sacar a colación los defectos y expurgar al individuo de sus vicios.

FILIUS IS QUI: a pause must be made at filius; the sense is not 'that son of Africanus who adopted you', but 'the son of Africanus, I mean the man who adopted you'. QUOD NI ITA FUISSET: 'now if this had not been so'; a phrase like quod cum ita sit and hoc ita dici. Cf. also 67 quod ni ita accideret; 82 quod ni ita se haberet. ALTERUM ... CIVITATIS: illud is put for ille, by attraction to lumen.

A marine leaning over the bulwarks audibly observes to a comrade: 'Aa! gwaikojn dana! nani ski ni kite iru daro? The other vainly suggests: 'Yasu-no-senkyoshi daro. My Japanese costume does not disguise the fact that I am an alien; but it saves me from the imputation of being a missionary. I remain an enigma.

You are in the right of it; it is the way of improving; endeavor to be upon that footing with every woman you converse with; excepting where there may be a tender point of connection; a point which I have nothing to do with; but if such a one there is, I hope she has not 'de mauvais ni de vilains bras', which I agree with you in thinking a very disagreeable thing.