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When outside upon the street Maurice hailed a newsboy and purchased a copy of every paper he could lay hands on, stuffing some in his pockets and reading others as he walked along under the stately trees that line the pleasant avenues of the old city. Where could the German armies be? It seemed as if obscurity had suddenly swallowed them up.

Taking him for a newsboy, he called; "Here, boy! Give me some papers." The lad had so shielded his face from the rain and the house that he had not seen Mr. Belcher; and when he looked up he turned pale, and simply said: "I'm not a newsboy;" and then he ran away as if he were frightened. There was something in the look that arrested Mr. Belcher's attention.

One greater than kings had arrived the newsboy. But I was the only person in all that throng who knew the meaning of this mighty birth, and what this imperial magician was come into the world to do. I dropped a nickel out of the window and got my paper; the Adam-newsboy of the world went around the corner to get my change; is around the corner yet.

"Thats so," said Mike, scratching his head in perplexity. "Then would you recommend my becoming a newsboy?" "I don't know. You couldn't make more'n fifty or sixty cent a day." "That will be better than nothing." "And I can pay the rent, or most of it, as I'll be doin' better than you." "We will wait and see how much I make."

"What do you do with the money?" "I give it to mother. It doesn't half support us, though, and now she's going to die." As the newsboy said this, a great sob seemed to choke him. Mr. Curtis, whose eyes were fixed full on his face, saw the little fellow resolutely suppress his emotion, and his sympathies were enlisted at once. "Where does your mother live?" he inquired.

It was started by Herbert Ingram, who began life as a provincial newsboy, and died, in the vigor of his age, member of Parliament for his native town. It was a success from the first, so great that numerous competitors sprang up and endeavored to undersell it.

It was, he said, his principle not to tell people where they were to dine; for one answer led to many other questions, as what o'clock it was? or, how soon should we be there? and he could not afford to be eternally worried. As you are thus cut off from the superior authorities, a great deal of your comfort depends on the character of the newsboy.

Tired at last with so much meditation, Milly bought a novel from the newsboy, "Clive Reinhard's Latest and Best" A Woman's Will, and buried herself in its pages. "Ernestine," Milly announced gravely that first night after Virginia was tucked in bed, "I've something important to say to you." "What is it, dearie?" Ernestine inquired apprehensively.

Madge Foster's first knowledge of the murder was gleaned from a morning paper, which, delayed for some reason, was not delivered until her father had gone up to town. Toward evening she bought a late edition from a newsboy who had penetrated to the isolated regions of Grove Park and Strand-on-the-Green, and she saw Jack's name in big letters.

"Would you like to become a telegraph-operator?" asked the agent. "Sure!" was the reply. Already the boy had read up on the subject in his library of the "North American Review," and he really knew the history of the thing better than did the agent. Edison was now a newsboy on the Grand Trunk, and he arranged his route so as to spend every other night at Mount Clemens.