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"Newcome" has not yet reached that point of intimacy which warrants using such abbreviations directly to the owners. Another amiable weakness common to the climber is that of knowing everybody.

Are the people of well, why mention names of living authors? of whom you will are those as much to the young readers of 1890 as Quentin Durward, and Colonel Newcome, and Sam Weller, and Becky Sharp, and Anne Elliot, and Elizabeth Bennett, and Jane Eyre were to young readers of 1860?

Here she ordains that we should speak of other members of the family, whose history we chronicle, and it behoves us to say a word regarding the Earl of Kew, the head of the noble house into which Sir Brian Newcome had married.

He did not know the law of honour, as it obtained amongst French gentlemen of those days, or how religiously their daughters were bound by it. But Mrs. Newcome had been beforehand with him, and had visited the Chevalier de Blois almost at cockcrow.

Newcome announced that their Indian brother found the society of Bryanstone Square very little to his taste, as indeed how should he? being a man of a good harmless disposition certainly, but of small intellectual culture. It could not be helped. She had done her utmost to make him welcome, and grieved that their pursuits were not more congenial.

It was the man whose sweetheart this Don Juan had seduced and deserted years before; whose wrongs were well known amongst his mates, a leader in the chorus of hatred which growled round Barnes Newcome. Barnes's mother and sister Ethel had reached Newcome shortly before the return of the master of the house. The people there were in disturbance.

"Thank you for my mother," said Lady Anne. "She is, upon my honour. Last night I know she was at ever so many places. She dined at the Bloxams', for I was there. Then she said she was going to sit with old Mrs. People begin to go to those Flowerdales'. Hanged if I know where they won't go next. Cotton-spinner, wasn't he?" "So were we, my lord," says Miss Newcome. "Oh, yes, I forgot!

Thomas Newcome had now been for three years in the possession of that joy which his soul longed after, and yet in spite of his happiness, his honest face grew more melancholy, his loose clothes hung only the looser on his lean limbs; he ate his meals without appetite; his nights were restless and he would sit for hours silent, and was constantly finding business which took him to distant quarters of England.

He was not very angry himself: in the course of their talk overnight the boy had spoken bravely and honestly, and Newcome could remember how, in his own early life, he too had courted and loved a young lass. It was Mrs. Newcome the father was afraid of. Who shall depict her wrath at the idea that a child of her house was about to marry a Popish girl?

But, ladies, I can assure you, a traveller has many opportunities for learning useful things, as I know by the difference there is between York and Connecticut." "And which do you prefer, Mr. Newcome?" asked Anneke, with a somewhat comical expression about her laughing eyes.