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Laura Adams Rutherford, was a direct descendant of the Adams family of patriots who fought for their country in the State of Massachusetts. The boyhood of Colonel Rutherford was spent on the plantation of his father, in Newberry County. Here was laid the foundation of his splendid physical nature, and his mind as well.

The rottenness of the federal government didn't anger them. It merely grieved them. They could remember both of them how different everything was when they were young men just entering on life. When Mr. Newberry and Mr.

Newberry in the shape of two tombs of the VIth Dynasty, cut upon the face of the well-known hill of Shêkh Abd el-Kûrna, on the west bank of the Nile opposite Luxor.

Newberry in discussing the topic, "one would need to give him a proper staff of assistants so as to take off his hands all the routine work the mere appearance in court, the preparation of briefs, the office consultation, the tax revision and the purely legal work.

Dawson this, according to information obtained by him, being the Indian name. It is called by the miners 'Hootalinkwa' or Hotalinqua, and was called by Schwatka, who appears to have bestowed no other attention to it, the Newberry, although it is apparently much larger than the Lewes. This was so apparent that in my interim reports I stated it as a fact.

Newberry was very apt to call to his wife in the dusk from some distant corner of the lawn: "Margaret, come over here and tell me if you don't think we might cut down this elm, tear the stump out by the roots, and throw it into the ravine." And the answer was, "One minute, Edward; just wait till I get a wrap."

"We saw the governor," said Mr. Fyshe. "Indeed he was good enough to lunch with us at the Pocahontas Club. He tells us that what we are doing is being done in every city and town of the state. He says that the days of the old-fashioned city council are numbered. They are setting up boards everywhere." "Excellent!" said Mr. Newberry. "The governor assures us that what we want will be done.

The previous day or two having been wet, the inference was irresistible that the wearer had quite recently been walking some considerable distance about the lanes and fields. Stockdale opened the window and looked out, and Mrs. Newberry turned her head.

Stockdale softly closed the younger woman's door and went on to the other, which was opened by Mrs. Simpkins before he could reach it. She was in her ordinary clothes, and had a light in her hand. 'What's the person calling about? she said in alarm. Stockdale told the girl's errand, adding seriously, 'I cannot wake Mrs. Newberry. 'It is no matter, said her mother.

And what's more," he added, sinking his voice to a whisper, "the time has come to speak out about it fearlessly." Mr. Overend nodded. "It's a tyranny," he said. "Worse than Russia," rejoined Mr. Newberry.