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'Signorina, I would not make you very very angry for anysing. As long as I live nosing like zat shall happen again. No, nevair, I promise. They plunged into a pine wood and climbed for another two hours, the summit always vanishing before them like a mirage. At the end of that time they were apparently no nearer their goal than when they had started.

"Bah! doos killing buffalo give you right to do voolishness? Do not try for deceive yourself. You loike it not, bot you tink it makes you look loike a man. Zat is vat you tink. Nevair vas you more mistouken. I have seen von leetle poy put on a pair of big boots and tink he look very grand, very loike him fadder; bot de boots only makes him look smaller dan before, an' more foolish.

I tink him should be named Hawkseye. No von else notice it, but I see Hawksving visper to Big Valler. Dat man be sharp feller too. He turns hims back to de tree, nevair vonce looked up, but him burst into loud laugh, like von tondre-clap, an' cry out, `Vell done, Gibault! Keep close, old feller; their village is one day off towards the sun! An' den he laugh again.

I lak to tell you, 'Ose, but I can't. No, it is not possible to tell dat, nevair!" It came into Hose's mind that the case was serious. Jack was going to die. He never went to church, but perhaps the Sunday-school might count for something. He was only a Frenchman, after all, and Frenchmen had their own ways of doing things.

Of course if you continue prosperous, we will reclaim our share of it on our return hither." "Ah, you is too goot," cried the warm-hearted German, seizing Frank's hand and wringing it, "bot I vill nevair use de nuggut nevair! You sall find him here sartainly ven you do com bak." "Well, I hope so, for your own sake," said Frank, "because that will show you have been successful.

He is goot, right down to zee marrow kind, amiable, oonselfish, obliging, nevair seems to zink of himself at all, ant, abof all zings, is capable. Vat he vill do, he can do vat he can do he vill do. But he is sad very sad." "I have observed that, of course," said Nigel. "Do you know what makes him so sad?" The professor shook his head. "No, I do not know. Nobody knows.

"Mon Dieu, Monsieur, it is not possible y répondre Les sentiments des demoiselles are nevair décides!" "Go then, and say to her, that my sentiments are decided to curtail certain bequests and devises, which have consulted her interests more than strict justice to others of my blood ay, and even of my name, might dictate." "Monsieur y réfléchira. Mam'selle Alide be so young personne!"

"I have half a dozen of ze best of killowers-za, nevair fail me. But as you knowa dem you will have to do ze lettair writing for us, so zat we git ze money from zare people at home." "Trust me for that," responded Baxter quickly. The plot pleased him immensely. "You do the capturing and I'll make Mrs. Rover or somebody else pay up handsomely, never fear."

"I am pledged to return to Batavia within a specified time, and from the nature of the country I perceive it will take all the time at my disposal to reach that place so as to redeem my pledge." "Ha! Zat is a peety. Vell, nevair mind. Let us enchoy to-day. Com', ve must not vaste more of it in zee mere gratification of our animal natures."

Grant me dis, and I vill nevair ask anyding of you in all my life." "No, no. Don't bother, Pinchas. Go away now," said Wolf, getting annoyed. "I have lots to do." "I vill never gif you mine ideas again!" said the poet, flashing up, and he went out and banged the door. The labor-leader settled to his papers with a sigh of relief. The relief was transient.