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With a heterogeneity of shades, when we mix the tints and neutralise them by one another, we easily create homogeneity; but take the result of this work, that is to say, the average final colour, and it will be impossible to reconstitute the wealth of the original. Do you desire a precise example of the work we must accomplish?

If the beaten side had been elaborately organised and carefully trained, there must have been something bad in its organisation or its methods. Now this 'something bad, this defect wherever it has disclosed itself has been enough to neutralise the most splendid courage and the most unselfish devotion.

There seems now but little life in him of any sort All I can make out about the vessel is, that she is the Expert, of Sydney; and from the look of her hold, I should think that she had a number of slaves on board, though what has become of them is more than I can tell." No time was lost by the surgeon in looking after the wounded men; his great aim was to neutralise the effects of the poison.

Yet it was a reflection that he readily dismissed from his mind. In such a pass as he now found himself none but a weakling could waste time and energy in bewailing the circumstances that had conspired to it. In a man of La Boulaye's calibre and mettle it was more befitting to seek a means to neutralise as much as possible the evil done.

Josephine, too, exerted indefatigably in his cause all the arts of address, and contrived to neutralise by flattery many whom promises had failed to gain.

There were three well-defined periods in the agitated life of the Duchess de Longueville and happily the end was conformable to the beginning, to neutralise, as it were, the censurable middle part.

Mayer admitted that each year would be shorter than the previous one by a not insignificant fraction of a second, and postulated an unceasing waste of substance, such as Newton had supposed must accompany emission of the material corpuscles of light, to neutralise continual reinforcement. Mayer's views obtained a very small share of publicity, and owned Mr.

To render the fire of these batteries the more rapid, a kind of match had been contrived, so to be placed that all the guns in the battery could go off at the same instant. To defend them from red-hot shot, with which the fortress was supplied, the newest part of the plan was that by which water could be carried in every direction to neutralise its effect.

"To your duty, captain of the main-top!" said the Captain, rather stiffly. He wished to neutralise somewhat the effect of the Commodore's condescension. Besides, he had much rather the Commodore had been in his cabin. His presence, for the time, affected his own supremacy in his ship.

Their principal object seemed to be, to bring the proceedings to a termination as quickly as possible. An attempt at negotiation was indeed made in the course of the proceedings in committee, but failed, and the bill was thrown out. As the result had been foreseen, measures were taken to neutralise the effect of this decision as regarded future operations.