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Then after a little while, a few days or weeks, the disarranged neuronic pathways reestablish themselves as usual, and the ego comes back to the man. One might cite the feeble-mindedness that results from meningitis, brain tumor, brain abscess, brain wounds, etc., as further evidence of the dependence of mind upon brain, of its status as a function of brain.

The baby throws his arms about, kicks his legs, rolls his eyes. In these movements arising from internal activities which, we can only state, relate to vascular distribution, neuronic relations, visceral and endocrinic activities, is the germ of the impulse to activity which it is the function of society and the individual himself to shape into organized useful work.

II. Organic. Neuronic. Sedative or depressant. Excito-motory or convulsives nux vomica, strychnine. Vulnerants powdered glass. III. Asphyxiants. Poisonous and irrespirable gases. It may be inferred that poison has been taken from consideration of the following factors: Symptoms and post-mortem appearances, experiments on animals, chemical analysis, and the conduct of suspected persons.

We of a later day who deal with this disease on the whole are inclined to the belief that some internal factor of a physical kind is responsible, some neuronic shift, or some strange, visceral endocrinal disorder.