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Where there is no particular nerve exhaustion, the fiery and inflamed state of the stomach membranes forbids sleep, and causes a great feeling of tiredness. All the nerves are excited, so that even touching the head or skin is most painful. Yet all can be traced to an inflamed stomach as the cause. Such a case, to be successfully treated, requires considerable resolution.

Modern science is more and more inclined to find the explanation of all vital phenomena in electrical stress and change. We know that an electric current will bring about chemical changes otherwise impracticable. Nerve force, if not a form of electricity, is probably inseparable from it.

Although it was closed season, they needed the meat, and game wardens were not likely to intrude. But when they came in sight of their camp they saw old Simon reclining in grandeur on their blankets, smoking. "The nerve of that buck!" snorted McHale. "Get off of that bed, you old copperskin. Think I want to wash them blankets?" Simon obeyed, but he drew a letter from his pocket. "Papah," said he.

The operation was performed successfully, and Varley had issued from the operating-room with the look of a man who had gone through an ordeal which had taxed his nerve to the utmost, to find Valerie Meydon waiting, with a piteous, dazed look in her eyes. But this look passed when she heard him say, "All right!"

Step in an' curl up in the corner; we ain't goin' to let folks see little runaway gals, 'cause they're goin' back to begin all over ag'in!" When Rebecca crept upstairs, and undressing in the dark finally found herself in her bed that night, though she was aching and throbbing in every nerve, she felt a kind of peace stealing over her.

When he had commenced his legal work, he strained every nerve to the utmost, and obtained his professorships in the various towns through competition, without having followed the usual University path. "I have always had the most unshaken faith in my star," he said one day, "even when, from hunger or despair, thoughts of suicide occurred to me.

Each man fancies that he may have a chance of escaping by turning king's evidence or getting out of prison. I doubt whether even O'Harrall himself would have the nerve to set fire to the magazine, though his capture were certain." The darkness was now settling down on the water, and at length shrouded the stranger from view.

Like a pistol, he could kill at one moment, and the next he might he kicked aside. But just then, as he walked the long floors in his alternate humours, tearing his handkerchief between his hands, he was strung to his top note, every nerve attent. The pistol, you might say, was charged.

"Then we had better leave the train at Chalons and return to Paris." "Certainly, if the butchers of the Schwarzburg are to form my cohort." "God's bones! never have I been so mistaken in a man! Your father, now, one feared he might have lost his nerve, but you, Alec! The devil take it! I thought better of you. I suppose then, it will have to be Marulitch." "Julius! Is he a candidate or a rival?"

It was fully realised by all hands that the deed was one, the successful accomplishment of which required the display of nerve and courage of superlative character, but it was understood that the entire expedition, from start to finish, from its departure from Topsham to its return thither, demanded the constant exhibition of these same qualities and would receive it.