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It was not until the meal was concluded that Colwyn broached the subject which was uppermost in his guest's thoughts by asking him if he had met with any success in his search for Nepcote. "We are still looking for him," was Caldew's guarded reply, as he accepted a cigar from his companion's case. "In Islington, for instance?" The light Colwyn held to his own cigar revealed the smile on his lips.

Whether she would grant him the last favour of all, by enabling him to prove whether this man and Nepcote were identical, was a point Caldew intended to put to the proof that night.

Colwyn, you were right and I was wrong about that fellow Nepcote," Merrington commenced, realizing that it was best to come to the point at once. "I wish now that I had followed your advice." "If you hadn't gone to see him perhaps you wouldn't know as much as you know now," said Colwyn drily. "That's one way of looking at it," responded Merrington with his great laugh.

Tufnell returned along the carriage drive twenty minutes afterwards with Detective Caldew and Sergeant Lumbe. Nepcote heard the crunch of their feet on the gravel as they passed. His accuracy in these details which he could not possibly have known helped me to the conclusion that the whole of his story was true." "He had plenty of time to commit the murder, nevertheless," said Phil.

As a matter of fact, I have been looking for Nepcote in that part of London in an area between Farringdon Street and Euston." "Why there in particular? London is a wide field." "I have endeavoured to narrow it by considering the possibilities. The suburbs are unsafe, and so is the West End; the City affords no shelter for a fugitive.

"I cannot conceive that to be any business of yours," replied the young man, with a touch of hauteur. "It seems to me that it is, in the circumstances. You came to me seeking my assistance because you believed in the innocence of Hazel Rath, but as I am now convinced you suppressed information which pointed to Captain Nepcote." "I told you all that I thought necessary."

Heredith's room together for the purpose of murder and robbery. The girl, we will suppose, fired the shot and Nepcote escaped from the window with the necklace. Is Hazel Rath likely to reveal such a story when she knows it will not save herself?" "Your assumptions carry you too far," returned Colwyn. "Our presumptive knowledge does not take us that distance.

In the masculine way, Nepcote refrained from saying anything which could hurt the dead girl's reputation, but it was his reticence and reservations which completed the story for his listener. He said that their flirtation ceased when Violet became engaged to Philip Heredith.

And what is your own opinion?" "I do not believe it for one moment." "Why not?" "For one thing, it strikes me as unlikely that Nepcote would forget his revolver when leaving the gun-room. In any case, the police are taking too much for granted in assuming, without inquiry, that he did.

As the other uttered the last sentence, the pocket-book half slipped from his fingers, and several other cards fluttered onto the table. Nepcote picked them up hastily, but not before Colwyn's quick glance had taken in their contents.