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The latter are subdivided into the tribes of Okman and El Marra, weaker than the disciples of Aly, and often at variance with them, although both parties unite whenever Nedjran is attacked by a foreign enemy. The settlers can muster about fifteen hundred firelocks.

Refeydha, Arabs Abyda, Arabs Harradja, a town in the district of the Senhan Arabs; which also contains the fertile wady called Raha Homra, a place inhabited by the Senhan Arabs: at one day's journey eastward is Wady Nedjran, belonging to the tribe of Yam-Thohran, inhabited by the Wadaa tribe: this place is high in the mountain, but the Wadaa occupy also the low valleys Bagem, a tribe of Arabs: eastward of them resides the powerful tribe of Kholan Arabs Dohhyan, of the Sahhar tribe-Sada: from Sada the most usual stages to Sanaa are Beit Medjahed Djorf Kheywan and Houth, two places in the district of the Hashed tribe Zybein, Omran- Sanaa-Seven days from Sada to Sanaa.

All the inhabitants of Nedjed trace their pedigrees to some ancient Bedouin tribe; thus the people of Rass claim descent from the Beni Yam, who now reside at Nedjran, in Yemen. Derayeh is supplied with water from wells. Ibn Saoud, the late Wahaby chief, discovered a spring behind this house, which he built, and wished to persuade the people that God had inspired him on the occasion.

It may be here remarked, that the name of Nedjran el Yemen is mentioned in the Catechism of the Druses; one of the questions being, "Is Nedjran of Yemen in ruins or not?" The tanneries of Nedjran are famous throughout Arabia.