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As the school-ma'ams came within earshot: "It's beastly hot," he boomed to us, "what do you say to a swim?" And he took off his coat, he took off his waistcoat, he took off his necktie, he unbuttoned his collar, but already the school-ma'ams had scuttled away, the more daring glancing back once or twice as they went, their dismay tempered by curiosity.

The vicar, and John Hughes, clerk and sexton, were last out; and the reverend gentleman, thin and tall, in white necktie, and black, a little threadbare, stood on the steps of the porch, in a sad abstraction. The red autumnal sun nearing the edge of the distant hills, Looked through the horizontal misty air Shorn of its beams

This graceful appeal had some temporary effect, but the congestion soon returned, when a man of the hour appeared, a man whose genius scattered the groups and who did more to make the party a success than any single individual, Mr. Hamilton Tooting, in a glorious white silk necktie with purple flowers. "I'll handle 'em, Mr. Crewe," he said; "a little brains'll start 'em goin'. Come along here, Mr.

"Well, if he does he is a good one, for I will fill his hide full of lead if he tries that," says another. The boat blew her whistle to land, and you ought to have seen them break for the lower deck, gun in hand. I walked out through the cabin with my plug hat, white necktie, and gold glasses. You would have bet $500 I was a preacher.

Mark was in his room, where Frank found him trying on a new necktie. Though decidedly plain, Mark fancied himself very good-looking, and spent no little time on personal adornment. In particular, he had a weakness for new neckties, in which he indulged himself freely.

He was lean and thin, with swallow-tailed coat, tall hat, battered and worn, a huge necktie and heavy boots a veritable Yankee from way back the young engineer thought. "They consider the girl pretty valuable," said another. "That reward ought to fetch the villain," uttered Bordine. "I have a notion to try for it myself." "S'pose you dew!" The Yankee regarded him curiously.

However, Lady Tamworth blushed very readily. "It was a queer incident," Mr. Dale continued. "I caught sight of a necktie in a little dusty shop-window near the Pavilion Theatre. I had never seen anything like it in my life; it fairly fascinated me, seemed to dare me to buy it." The lady's foot began to tap upon the carpet. Mr. Dale stopped and leaned critically forward. "Well!

Was this new Lamb in the grey flannel suit and the pale green necktie like the other Lamb? or had his mind grown up together with his body? That was the question which the others, in a hurried council held among the yellowing bracken a few yards from the sleeper, debated eagerly. 'Whichever it is, it'll be just as awful, said Anthea.

Of his unconscious drollery his dress freely partook; it seemed, from the gold ring into which his red necktie was passed to the square toe-caps of his boots, to conform with a high sense of modernness to the fashion before the last.

She corrected more proofs, and when a woman begins to assist a man the danger-line is being approached. Close observers noted that a change was coming over the bohemian Lewes. He had his whiskers trimmed, his hair was combed, and the bright yellow necktie had been discarded for a clean one of modest brown, and, sometimes, his boots were blacked. In July, Eighteen Hundred Fifty-four, Mr.