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Fr'm thince he dhrifted into politics, an' become noted as th' boy welter-weight iv th' South Branch. He was ilicted aldherman at a time whin comparatively nawthin' was doin' in th' council. Subsequent he become a sinitor, an' later enthered into partnership with th' Hon. Jawn Powers in th' retail liquor traffic. Mr.

There's nawthin' to take his mind off his wurruk. He sleeps at night with his nose against th' shingled roof iv his little frame home an' dhreams iv cinch bugs. While th' stars are still alight he walks in his sleep to wake th' cows that left th' call f'r four o'clock. Thin it's ho! f'r feedin' th' pigs an' mendin' th' reaper.

Let th' water goats soak over night, Fagan, an by mornin' they will be ready t' swim like a trout. We will anchor thim in th' lake, Fagan an' we will say nawthin' t' Dugan. 'Twould be a blow t' Dugan was he t' learn th' dongolas provided fer th' park was young an' wather-shy."

"Sim Burns, what you ben doin' to that woman?" she burst out, as she waddled up to where the two men were sitting under a cottonwood tree, talking and whittling after the manner of farmers. "Nawthin' 's fur 's I know," answered Burns, not quite honestly, and looking uneasy. "You needn't try t' git out of it like that, Sim Burns," replied his sister.

"What is it to you?" he demanded belligerently. "Oh, nawthin'," returned the boss lightly, "jest wanted to know." "Uhr!" grunted the cowboy contemptuously. "Well, I was killin' snakes, then! What ye goin' to do about it?" "Snakes!" cried Creede incredulously. "Killin' snakes! Since when did you call a feud on them?"

Sell thim gin, says I. ''Tis shameful they shud go out with nawthin' to hide their nakedness, he says. 'I'll fetch thim clothes; but, he says, cas th' weather's too war-rum f'r clothes, I'll not sell thim annything that'll last long, he says. 'If it wasn't f'r relligion, he says, 'I don't know what th' 'ell th' wurruld wud come to, he says. 'Who's relligion? says th' Fr-rinchman.

The next moment he straightened up and motioned to Timmy, who had stepped back from him, nearly half a block back. "Come back," he said peacefully. "Come on back. This wan time I'll do nawthin' to ye. Come on back an' lift th' box into th' office. But th' next time " Timmy came back, grinning. He took the box off the truck, carried it into the office, and set it on the floor.

'If annything happens to this man, th' case is li'ble to be taken up be th' ex-prisidents' association; an' they're num'rous enough to make throuble f'r us, he says. 'But, he says, 'I'll do what I can f'r ye, me ol' frind, he says. 'Give us th' best ye have, says Jools; 'an', if ye've nawthin' to do afther ye close up, ye might dhrop in, he says, 'an' have a manifesto with us, he says.

As they entered Jennie walked straight up to him: "Dad, you come home. Come right out o' yere." He looked at her for a moment until his benumbed brain took in her words and all their meaning; then he said: "All right, Jinnie, just wait a second till I have another horn with these yer gents " "Horn nawthin," she said in reply, and seized him by the arm. "You come along."

Squire Job went off very unwillingly; for so strong was his belief in his claim, that he had made up his mind, as he told me himself, to break up the north meadow, and put it in corn this coming season." "They say that Minister Whittle took it very hard that nawthin' was said about him, or about meetin', in the deacon's will," observed Jake Davis, one of Baiting Joe's cronies.